Incorrect linking

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11 years 9 months ago #104974


Have found that functions that gives me direct links to products generate links that display incorrectly. When opening page from link I get the same page loading within the page again and again and again, never ending. As far as I have been able to investigate by reading in the forum and trying myself it has to do with the menus somehow.

/index.php/komponenter/datorchassin/fulltower/produkt/184-cooler-master-haf-x <--- Correct link
/index.php/component/hikashop/produkt/184-cooler-master-haf-x?Itemid=120 <--- Incorrect link generated by search in shop

Solution to my problem or thoughts about it??

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11 years 9 months ago #105001


The solution is to configure the search plugin properly by enter a hikashop category listing menu item id in the menu item id option of the search plugin.

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11 years 9 months ago #105052

Only the ID number in the textbox?
Nothing more?

I added the ID number of the main category, 170, and some of the results in the searches work but far from all of them.

BTW, same problem happens for stuf that I click "Like" on for Facebook. The link in Facebook is all wrong and in that plugin I can't find an ID number that I can add anywhere.

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11 years 9 months ago #105070

It's not the id of a category that you need to enter but the id of a categories listing menu item, as I said in my previous post.

The link of the like button is the same as the current page link so I don't see what problem you have. There is no need to enter any id for that facebook like button.

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11 years 9 months ago #105248

Either I don't understand exactly what you are saying or I'm having some issue that is because of something else. Could you please tell me more exactly where to go for that categories listing menu item?

When I do searches the first match always function but all of the rest not so I'm not sure it's the ID that is the real problem.

I tried and clicked Like on a product and Facebook showed it but the link was wrong in the same way as the search links are.
The link to the product from Facebook looks like this:

The page adress is like this:

BIG difference!

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11 years 9 months ago #105274


You have to find the id of the categories listing module like on this screenshot:

Concerning the Facebook links, they seems to be good, the link is the same but with the facebook parameters added to the link.


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11 years 9 months ago #105278

Thank you but I've tried the one with ID 102 which is the same module as you have there, still no luck.

The facebook links are good you say?
Have you tried them? For me they display completely wrong.

One thing though, could the linking problem be because I have made all menus from scratch through the joomla interface and not letting the shop generate the links for me?
Hope you understand how I mean.

If i make an example of what happens when I search.
I search for example Geforce, the first result is a Geforce GTX 690 and the link is:
All correct.

Second result is a GTX 680 but the link is:
The result is a page that continually loads itself over and over inside itself and the background is white. Removing the ?Itemid=138 from the adress showes the page as it should be seen.

Sorry for all the trouble.

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11 years 9 months ago #105286

The facebook thing that I'm using is the one with xfbml, box count and it's supposed to show faces.
No faces are shown and when I click it it displays a box where I can write something about the product. It then posts on facebook as it should but the link gets all wrong.
If I use the iframe option I can click like and it counts it but nothing happens in my feed on facebook that shows me doing it so it's kind of useless then.

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11 years 9 months ago #105339


Kaffeman wrote: Thank you but I've tried the one with ID 102 which is the same module as you have there, still no luck.

Xavier didn't told you to use the id 102, but to retrieve YOUR id like explain in the screenshot.

The screenshot of Xavier come from his local website so his id are not the same than yours.
Otherwise he gave you directly the right number :)


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.
Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by Jerome.

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11 years 9 months ago #105446

Xavier wrote: Hi,

You have to find the id of the categories listing module like on this screenshot:

Concerning the Facebook links, they seems to be good, the link is the same but with the facebook parameters added to the link.

I really don't get it and I'm thinking that it's because of something that I have done since I have PROBABLY not done as you, the developers, had intended.

My categories listing that I was refering to after the screenshot from Xavier looks like this.

Apart from those categories in the Menu Module Listing I have like 58 more to choose from, don't really know which one to pick if the ID 102 isn't valid. Have tried to pick one category and then search for an item in that given category but the result is the same, first search works but the rest gets the added ?itemid=XXX.
What's really funny though is that some items in other categories work fine. The thing that's different with those is that they are on the second level in the category tree while the ones not working are on the third or deeper.

If someone could have a look and see what could be wrong I would be very relieved.


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11 years 9 months ago #105467


So, it is rare but you have the same id than Xavier (and this is a coincidence, the menu is created by Joomla so we can't choose it).

The search plugin generates you some wrong links. The fact is that it adds is own menu id to the url (the "Itemid=120" or the "Itemid=138") so when the url is processed to be "nice" (what we call the SEF), the itemid is not the id of the "category listing" so the url can't be the same.

So, now we know that the ItemId required for generate a nice url in the "category listing" is "102", we can follow the instruction of Nicolas:

The solution is to configure the search plugin properly by enter a hikashop category listing menu item id in the menu item id option of the search plugin.

And configure the search plugin with the menu item id : 102.

Best regards,

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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11 years 9 months ago #105471

Thank you all for being so patient as you are.

I changed the ID to 102, again, but no, it does not work as it should.

I have found something more about it though.
I have two main categories, components and accessories.

Components contain the sub categories:

IF I do a search for an item from one of these categories the result will be the same as before, first result ok but rest not. EXCEPT for the 7'th category, Monitorer. Searches within that category works fine all of them.

Accessories contain the sub categories:

All searches I have made for products in these categories work fine.


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11 years 9 months ago #105633

Please change the line:
$item_id = '';

if(!$this->params->get('item_id','')) $item_id = '';

in the file plugins/search/hikashop_products.php and try again.

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11 years 9 months ago #105654

Thank you so much!!!
If I could I would hug you all, it works now.

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11 years 9 months ago #105713

Was so happy over the solving of the search function yesterday that I totally forgot about the problem with the facebook linking. It's the same issue if someone presses the Like button for the product.

The issue is only when I use the tabbed interface and not the default. It seems to be something with one or more javascript that keeps on refetching the page over and over again.

Look at this page, it's really clear that there is a problem.

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11 years 9 months ago #105755

You probably have a conflict with a third component.
Can you try to disable them one by one in order to see if one of them it making the problem ?

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11 years 9 months ago #105759

I only have AcyMailing and Hikashop installed except for Joomla of course.
I have also added a custom iframe for Facebook on the left but that's it.

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11 years 9 months ago #105865

I don't see any problem with the facebook link on your page.
Look for example here:

The link of the facebook button is:
(the same page URL).

So of course, if you access your page with the link:

the facebook page link will be

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11 years 9 months ago #106461

Ok, maybe me that's been unclear. It's maybe not the link in itself that's the problem but how the page is displayed when following it.

Turned off SEF and now the page loads correctly when following a facebook page, with SEF set to Yes in Joomla configuration it doesn't with the tabbed interface, without tabs it displays correct.

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11 years 9 months ago #106521

Are the links different ? What are they ?
What exactly does load properly ? Can you do a screenshot ?

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