Moneris/ eselect

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10 years 10 months ago #151862

I am having a problem with my moneris/ eselect checkout. After filling out my info and hitting finish, nothing happens. It just stays on the same screen.
I am using a JoomlaXTC template known as Nfocus. I am using Hikashop version is 2.2.3. I have all the correct information, store id, api, etc. There is free shipping.

What am I missing? Why does it go nowhere?


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10 years 10 months ago #151863

The problem is probably coming from the fact that you have an error message through your checkout that isn't displayed, so you'll probable find you answer through that thread :

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10 years 10 months ago #152132

I have turned on error messaging through the global config. At the bottom of my template I have a bar which reads "Joomla! Debug console". Under it is four sections: Session, Profile Information, Memory Usage, Database Queries

Is this where I am looking for the error reporting? If so, which section will display the error that I am looking for?

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10 years 10 months ago #152149


Regarding your screenshots, the first one is the one where the customer enter his information and the second one when HikaShop display the summary of the credit card info.
So you have to click once more to validate the payment.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 10 months ago #152209

Ah ha!

Now I see the error! It says:
Notice: Undefined variable: xmlString in ......../plugins/hikashoppayment/eselect/eselect_lib.php on line 702

I didn't notice it before. Kinda small and hidden at the top.

What does it mean?

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10 years 10 months ago #152213

Yeah, no matter how many times I click finish in the check out, it brings me to the second screen shot. With the error at the top. This problem seems similar to ben_whitney's thread near the end.

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10 years 10 months ago #152297


Like I said in the other thread, the warning is not the source of your problem.
We didn't have the rest of the answer from "ben_whitney" so we are a little bit blocked in this thread ; maybe you have the same kind of problem but the PHP warning is not the source.

Would it be possible to have a screenshot of your eselect payment configuration ?


Jerome -
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10 years 10 months ago #152378

Sure. Here is the screenshots for my payment set up and my checkout flow. Can anything else be affecting it?


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10 years 10 months ago #152419


Does your template display the Joomla messages ?

I saw that eselect/moneris changed the url of the production site without notification (I have a developer account on their website, I am surprise that I never got an email for such ultra-important news).
The url in the debug mode is now the url in production mode. I don't know if the same url works for both modes or if the debug mode need a new url too.

More than that, the eselect/moneris payment plugin in HikaShop is just compatible with the Canadian version. The US version have now a new different API with other url and other parameters. That's also a news that they didn't talk much about...


Jerome -
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10 years 10 months ago #152504


Yep have the same problem.

What are you using for your config?

I know with moneris they have a hosted pay page option and a direct post option, not sure which method I need to use to generate my StoreID or if I should be using the main API key...

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10 years 10 months ago #153132

Sorry I had to step away from this project for awhile. My moneris is the Canadian version. My joomla template does not display messages as far as I can tell. It is JoomlaXTC Nfocus. Does anyone have any ideas?

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10 years 10 months ago #153137

Called Moneris . Their support walked me through a test purchase using their test server in debug mode and using test credentials. It worked. I turned debug mode off , used a real credit and it didn't work. We double checked the moneris Store ID and API token. Any ideas?

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10 years 10 months ago #153140


Can you please ask them the URL for the API in production mode ?
And can you please stop removing this debug in the plugin because I have already wrote, several times, you that this url is not working anymore.

Like my previous post:

The url in the debug mode is now the url in production mode. I don't know if the same url works for both modes or if the debug mode need a new url too.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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10 years 10 months ago #153455

Hi Jerome

First, let me thank you for your patience and help.
Second, I called Moneris (1 866 562 4354) and asked for their URL for the API in production mode.

It is:

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10 years 10 months ago #153457


Well, it looks that the production server is not responding.
Can you please try to edit the file "plugins/hikashoppayment/eselect/eselect_lib.php" and replace

		$response = curl_exec($ch);
		$error = curl_errno($ch);
		$err_msg = curl_error($ch);

		curl_close ($ch);
		$response = curl_exec($ch);
		$error = curl_errno($ch);
		$err_msg = curl_error($ch);

		curl_close ($ch);

		if(!empty($error)) {
		} else if($debug) {
I want to know if there is a connexion problem between your server and their payment platform.
In my side I can't make any connection.
The little addition will completely stop the process of your webpage and display you the error message returned by CURL.
If there is no error, we will catch (only in debug) the response from their server.

At this moment we will have more details, but for most I see between the library we use and the latest library in their website is a modification of the URL But I guess they changed it in order to have the test url and not the production one.


Jerome -
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10 years 8 months ago #159969

I have purchased the Business edition of Hikashop. But the moneris plugin still doesn't work. Have there been any new developments? What do I need to do to get this going?

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10 years 8 months ago #159974


Can you please try the code I gave you one month ago in my previous post ?


Jerome -
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10 years 8 months ago #160500

Sorry, i finally tried the code from the previous post.

As far as I can tell nothing happened. It didn't stop the process of my webpage. I tried to purchase something for a dollar and it just did what I had stated earlier. It just keeps refreshing the cart page. I also noticed in the back-end that in the "orders" menu, the purchase doesn't show up as "cancelled" or even "created".

Now what do we do when there is no error? How do we catch the response from server and how does this help me?

Thanks for your help.

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10 years 8 months ago #160536


It means that there is not error while contacting the moneris platform but you said

My joomla template does not display messages as far as I can tell

and I think it is something problematic, because if we can't have the message return by the payment platform, it will be difficult to understand the problem.
You can see this page for checking/enabling the joomla message system in your template:

If the joomla message system is there but you still don't have any information from eselect/moneris, we will require some accesses to your website in order to make some test and debug (so access in the front-end, ftp and maybe backend).


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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10 years 8 months ago #160665


I changed the code as per your post and have the same issue as daredevil... I'd be happy to provide any access you need to help debug and solve the problem.


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