Selling Downloads

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12 years 10 months ago #47255

Hi Nicolas,

Do you have a tutorial for allowing HikaShop to sell high res images that users can download from the site?



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12 years 10 months ago #47297

Hi wonderwilson,

There is no tutorial for the moment.

It's not difficult to configure, just follow these steps:
After setting the payment methods and all the other informations:
- In HikaShop > System > Configuration > Checkout, remove "Shipping" from the checkout workflow. (just if you sell only downloadable items)
- In HikaShop > System > Configuration > Files, add a watermark to protect your pictures in the product view.

When you create a new product:
- add the image of this product. (this image will be protected by the watermark)
- add a file (your .jpg or something else), in the options you can set the number of downloads wanted. And check "No" for the "Free download" option.

Now when a customer buy an image, after the payment he can see a download link in her orders.
The setup is complete.

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12 years 10 months ago #48451

Hi Xavier,

I have some products that are purchased as framed prints (require shipping) and some that need downloaded - how do I do this?


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12 years 10 months ago #48539

In that case, don't remove the shipping view from the checkout workflow.
Instead, just set a weight in your shippable goods and no weights for the others and make sure that the option "force shipping regardless of weight" is turned off in the Checkout tab of the configuration.

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12 years 7 months ago #56645

I know this topic is several months old but my question leads on from it.

I want to combine the above selling pictures with the abiltiy to bulk upload them.

Ideally I would like to bulk upload the file (the picture) and have Hikashop create the product image, protected by the watermark, and then save the product with the high res verson of the picutre as the download.

The two problems are that:
1.when I upload images with a product template - it sets the picture of the template as the picture of the product, not a lower resolution version of the file.
2. when a template is not used then hikashop cannot create a low res version of the picture (as the pictures are 2.5mb each)

Any thoughts or solutions.

I think that the only way is going to be to use the cvs function and reduce the image sizes for the product pictures manually before upload.

Kind regards


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12 years 7 months ago #56662

I further issue is that using the bulk upload (by cvs) the watermark does not appear on the picture - it takes the pictures in it's raw form

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12 years 7 months ago #56717


If you use the import from folder option with the "image" type, it will add your files as images of the products generated from the template product. So the image will be the product image.
On the other end, if you use the import from folder option with the "file" type, it will add your files as files of the products generated from the template product. So the files will only be available after the product would be purchased. But the products would not have images (or the image of the template product if any).

Watermark in not applied during import processes as it is too much resource intensive.

I'm afraid that what you want to do will indeed require that you resize yourself the images beforehand and apply the watermark yourself before importing the products with a CSV.
You can automate the images resize and watermarking with tools like irfanview or gimp or photoshop:

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12 years 7 months ago #56720

Thanks for the support - I think the CVS method is the way forwards
I've previously used VSO image resizer (or whatever they have named it now) for reducing size and watermarking

Just one final question on downloads if I can.

Is there any way to create a list of files which have been download - in like the table or div view of hikashop rather than having to go into each order and select the link there. I've searched these forums and there was a discussion about 6 months ago about some way of being able to identify which files have been purchased already - but this required some serious recoding.

I wonder if the display of files available for download might be a bit easier to achieve though.

Thanks again

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12 years 7 months ago #56750

I don't see a way to do that.
Could you give more information on why you're trying to do that ? That might give me a new idea on a solution for you.

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12 years 7 months ago #56790

Once someone has purchased the items (photos in this case) I want them to be able to go to a "my Orders" tab and be able to download the filesdirectly from that page rather than getting a list of all the orders and having to go into each one to then download the photos from that order.

Similar to what you do ont he hikashop site for downloading the purchased versions.

Ideally I would like it to be like the list format of the product view where there is a small version of the image and then a link to the download.

Any help would be appreciated

Kind regards


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12 years 7 months ago #56823

I don't see any easy way to do that.
It would require the development of such view.

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12 years 7 months ago #57449

Thanks for the reply

I think the best way to do it then would be to modify the "orders listing" view to incude details of the files associated using a verson of the code in the "orders show" view

my early attempts to integrate the code are shoddy, but I'm going to keep at it - I will post the results if I can ever get it to work!!

It would look even better to be able to integrate the cart view (with the thumbnails) into the "orders show" view - but that's a task for another day.

If anyone has already achieved anything like this then I would appreciate any guidance you have!!



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12 years 5 months ago #65490


I read all the above and understand some of it but still have the following questions.

I want to upload lets say 800 pictures I shot at an event and sell those - each picture will be a product and the event the category.

How can I upload them at once so that each picture

will be added to the correct category
each image will be given an automated product id
each picture includes a thumb (with maximum size the client can look at) - and original picture (5 MB user has no access until he pays for it and can download it)

If I use the CVS methdod - do I have to name and add a product id manually to each picture in a Excel file? Or is that going automatic?

Thanks for your help

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12 years 5 months ago #65712


You don't need to add a name and id. That will be filled automatically with the picture name if you don't.

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12 years 5 months ago #65881


Thanks - I bought the business version now.

I created a category called Event-1
In the Explorer I clicked in the category Event-1
In dropdown I went to: Import and imported my images
Now they are all saved under: Root/product_category and not in the Event-1 folder

1. How can I import them to the correct category?
2. How can I set a general price (each picture costs 10€ and I am looking for a way to add this price at once for all images - instead of adding it one by one to 300 images)
3. In the product view I want to see thumbnails of the products kept in one folder. When user buys the product (downloadable) which is a High Resolution image - it must be independently kept in a special folder from the thumbnails.
a) do I have to upload first the thumbs and then the original files? and if, where to? or does the import already create thumbs and original files in seperate folders?


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12 years 5 months ago #65992

1. In your CSV, you need to add a column "categories" and enter the name or id of the category.
2. In your CSV, you can also add a price_value column and specify the price for each one.
3. In your CSV, you can have an images column and specify the name of the small image in the media/com_hikashop/upload fodler where you will have to upload your small image.
4. Files are files. The system doesn't generate thumbs for them. But for images (which are displayed to the user even if he doesn't buy the product, the thumbnails are generated automatically based on your settings.

If you don't use a CSV, but the import from folder method, you can specify a template product when importing and so all the products created will use the categories, prices, images of your template product automatically.

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12 years 5 months ago #66016


I uploaded 1 image added prices and description - made a template of it and uploaded 25 sample pictures that all came out with same values of the template. Great!


Now when I am on the product page and click on an image (product) it pops up in its current full size. So the user would just have to right click on the image and save it and would not need to buy it or make a screen print.

I tried to change the setting of the popup image in the Configuration page but it did not work and the Popup has always the same size.

1. Can I give this PopUp image a maximum width?


All images I can look at as a user are created with the original image (product) that is stored in upload folder and not in a safed folder. And user can simply download it when opening popup image. I could import the images as files and then they would be stored in the safe folder - BUT user cannot see any previews... grrr ;-)

2. How can I hide the original from the user?
Isn't it possible to:
Save the thumb image in the upload folder as it is now
Save the original image (product I sell) in the safe folder that user has no access too?

Thanks for your help.

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12 years 5 months ago #66129

Yes that's possible.
When you do it via the interface, just upload the big image as "file" and the small image as "image".
When importing a CSV you can do the same:
Via the import from folder, you can't do that since the file from which it creates the product is either used as image or as file of the resulting product.

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12 years 5 months ago #66168

Sorry I do not understand what to do at all.

Please specify step by step how to upload 1500 images or 500 images or similar at once at a price of 10 € each with with a folder for thumbs and another folder which is secured and safe for files to download - and each file must disply a thumb. I shoot and sell images of events, sports photography a.s.o... do I have to do it manually one by one? I hope not :-)

I read your instructions in the Documentation but do not understand how to do it at all

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12 years 5 months ago #66419

1. upload all your big images in the folder media/com_hikashop/upload/safe
2. Upload all your small images in the folder media/com_hikashop/upload
3. create a CSV with 4 columns:
(my_small_image.jpg and my_big_image.jpg can pontentially have the same name).
4. import the CSV.

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