I am trialling Hikashop Starter 1.6.0 + J2.5.6 on a localhost installation. I have set up the Manual Shipping plugin and defined a series of non-overlapping, mutually exclusive methods based only on weight i.e. 0-750g, 751-1000g, 1001-1250g, etc. The products have weights in the same units (g). If I add a product weighing 500g to the cart and then checkout, the shipping module correctly displays only one shipping option/price. However, if I add a product weighing 850g to the cart and then checkout, the shipping module displays both 0-750 and 751-1000g options. Storyboard attached. [If I add a product weighing 1200g I get the correct option plus the two invalid ones for lighter weights too.]
In reality, I am trying to set up a rather more complex set of choices (modelling the UK 1st and 2nd class packet charges), but even this simple implementation is causing problems so the project is on hold while this is resolved 
Thanks in advance.