If I followed the tutorial I linked to and set prices for each characteristics and the text-value of each characteristi in the Dropdown-menu is not displayed but if I set No prices for a characteristic its name/text-value are displayed in the DD-menu.it shows up
Choklad and Sand have no prices:
<span class="hikashop_option_name" >Skärm 9246</span></td><td><select id="hikashop_product_option_0" name="hikashop_product_option[0]" class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="hikashopChangeOption();">
<option value="91126" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="91127"></option>
<option value="91128"></option>
<option value="91129">Choklad</option>
<option value="91130">Sand</option>
<option value="91131"></option>
Alla of the characteristics have prices:
<span class="hikashop_option_name" >Skärm 9246</span></td><td><select id="hikashop_product_option_0" name="hikashop_product_option[0]" class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="hikashopChangeOption();">
<option value="91126" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="91127"></option>
<option value="91128"></option>
<option value="91129"></option>
<option value="91130"></option>
<option value="91131"></option>
I don´t now how to explain it better

Otherwise I have to take some screen-dumbs...