I experience some strange things with the coupon. Of all the times I simulated a coustumer it only discounted the coupon once! When I have two products in the cart, it discounts not twice the coupon value but almost thrice. Nice for the costumer, less for me 
I have only two products in my shop (book and e-book) and one category called stillbuch. Doesn^t seem to be so difficult? But I don't get it...
See attachted the screenshot of my coupon and the "behaviour" of the coupon at the checkout process (when the discount at least appears, but is not calculated correctly). I now that machines always calculate correctly, so it must be my fault, but I dont find it.
And this is my checkout-workflow
cart, login, address_shipping, confirm_cart_coupon, payment, confirm_cart_terms, end
My backend login: is it safe to give it here to you in this forum?