Web-developers Prayers Answered by the Great Oracle in the web..
Thought I might share with everyone this new addon for IE Users and Webdevelopers to be able to utilise std web code for IE Browser users.
Basically this addon will allow webDevelopers to not do a whole lot of work-arounds when it comes to displaying content in varying versions of IE as well as more feature rich browsers like , Chrome, Firefox,Opera etc.
have a look.. Iam sure you will be impressed..
you can enter a couple of ready-made scripts into your existing websites which will in-turn detect if the client (visitor) has the Google Chrome Frame installed.
also has script which can detect their browser and offer them the opportunity to download and install the addon for better viewing of webpages through IE.
In a nutshell it incorporates the chrome rendering engine into Explorer.. allowing for things like ;
box-shadows,border-radius,CS3 and other awesome effects that IE may never fully support 
for example: just how complicated is it to do basic shadows and rounded borders in IE9..

ps: understandably not the right place to post this , perhaps the admins could setup another area perhaps named: Resources for things like this?