In our shop we recently discovered a strange rounding problem when the customer choses to pay with iDEAL: products that cost 5.95 (including 21% tax) give trouble on their own, products that cost 10.95, 15.95 or 20.95 if combined with other .95 products.
A total order amount of 106.70 (including tax & shipping) causes problems as well.
iDEAL shows a "hoeveelheid moet een geldig nummer zijn"-error, which basically means that it can't handle the rounding of this order.
Our iDEAL supplier is working on the problem.
In the mean time I keep wondering: wouldn't it be easier to just change the amount of decimals somewhere in the Hikashop configuration? In the system -> currency it's set to 2, but could I change this to 2 in currency.php as well? And if so: where and how? Or would that cause other rounding troubles?
I have considered downgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.5.8, since we didn't have these rounding issues with 1.5.8. Bad idea? Good idea? I don't know. I'm kinda desperate right now