I've tried the order export function, but can't seem to get the information I need in an easy way. First of all I think it would be great with some more flexibility regarding to what order information you want to export. I guess there are more people like me that are only interested in a small piece of information and can be overwhelmed by all the columns in the CSV-file
Most important: a date-range selection. I used Interamind Report when struggling with Virtuemart earlier, and found it to be very easy and flexible to use.
I have several tax-rates in my store, and need to have a report on the total sale each month for each tax-group. I would like to have a column for each order that adds up the total taxes for each tax-rate for each order (like "total 0% tax for order x", "total 15% tax for order x", etc). Then it would be easy to sum up the totals for the different tax rates in for example Excel. But when I export the order information as it is today I get one line per order, and it makes it difficult to sort out the different products.
Any easy way to fix this?