Hello Jerome,
I just checked, i had 2.1.1 and i just upgraded to 2.1.3 - it's the same, still can't create a menu to a product.
Nicolas already added some indexes to the database, because in the beginning it took about 30 seconds to just see the products in the categories in the frontpage - which is now fixed.
I sent to Nicolas all access to the server and the site so you can check it out.
I have another issue now, everytime i update i have to enter these modifications manually in frontend default.css:
a) This is because the options appear under the image of the product. I don't know if this the way it's suppose to fix it, if you have a better way please tell me.
#hikashop_product_right_part {
float: right;
width: 350px;
b) This is because there is a big space between my image and options row, and the description below. This fix I know it's not good because if I have a Portrait image instead of Landscape, the image will intersect with the product description - so please tell me how to fix this.
div.hikashop_main_image_div {
height: 400px;
margin-top: -10px;
c) This is because the captcha is badly aligned in the registration form - you can add a product to cart and click on checkout - you will see what I mean.
div.recaptcha {
margin-left: 160px;
margin-top: 10px;
d) I still don't have a fix for this, there is a big space between the title of the product and the image - I want to remove it but I do not know how. Please help
Please tell me how can I make these modifications permanent so I don't have to input them everytime I update HikaShop.
Also I want to increase the font size of the price on the product page but leave it just the same in the Cart. Now if I modify the font size and color of the price on the product page it will modify also in the cart - which is bad.
Thank you!