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1 year 7 months ago #353831


If you directly modified the translation keys in the original language file of your HikaShop, you will loose them when you update the language file, as it would also be the case if you update your HikaShop.
But if you did your translation overrides in the override area, as we always recommend, you won't loose them.

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1 year 7 months ago #353873

Thanks for explaining.
I was able to get into the client's UPS account and generate the API keys. Will try them this weekend.
-Jim G.

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1 year 7 months ago #353964

Hi. I have now done everything you told me to, to the letter, to the last detail, and it still doesn't work. I got my secret keys etc., inputted them correctly, along with client account number, and we still get the same error. No shipping method found.
At this point we must conclude that the plugin doesn't work.
I ask if you would be willing to log in to the site and have a look.
I am willing to hire someone to debug this.
Can you do that? Do you know someone?
Please let me know what can be done.
The entire project may be to waste if we can't get the UPS shipping method to work. It is the dominant method here in the U.S. and everyone expects to have access to it. It is mandatory for e-commerce.
Because we can't get a shipping method to work, we can't even test payment.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Now, I did have one thought. The store has only three products. There are many, many variants. The products themselves all have weight and dimensions. What about the variants? In most cases the variants don't have a weight or a length. Must some values be assigned to them anyway for the plugin to work? Do I have to put in "dummy" parameters? If so, what would suffice? This seems crazy in that I assumed that only the weight and dimensions of the product mattered. But yet can it be true?
-Jim Gribble

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by jgribble.

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1 year 7 months ago #353968


Variants should automatically use the weight / dimensions of the main product.
I can't conclude much with just the "No shipping method found." error message.
I'll need more precise information.
The plugin works on my end, so you must be missing something, or you're in a case I didn't anticipate.
Please provide a backend access and a FTP access so that I can look into it.
You can provide this via our contact form:

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1 year 7 months ago #353982

Thanks for taking a personal interest. I sent you a login; working on FTP. We are getting a new error message which seems to refer back to a bad account password. Puzzling, because the plugin doesn't use account password that I can see. Unless this refers to secret key or something like that. I feel like we're really close.
If needed you may also log in to customer's UPS account. I will send that along also. I triple-checked all OAUTH credentials and they appear to be properly inputted.
-Jim G.

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1 year 7 months ago #353984

Have now sent you FTP login, site login and customer UPS login.

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1 year 7 months ago #353994

Again, I do appreciate you taking a look, Nicolas. And I want to add that you should take your time, no hurry. I myself am going to be taking four days off starting Thursday. So we would not even consider launching until I am back full-time starting next week. I feel we are really close.

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1 year 7 months ago #354003


Thanks for the accesses.

I found three issues:
- In your UPS app, you had only selected the OAuth API and not the Rating and Time in Transit APIs. These are all necessary for the plugin. That's why you had the authentication error. I've added these in your UPS account. We'll have to specify this information when writing the new UPS plugin documentation.
- I used my address in France when testing. However, when using an address from outside the USA, if the source address is in the USA, UPS requires the total amount of the order to be provided when requesting the shipping rates. So I've modified the plugin's code to include this specific case.
- After that, I got no error but no shipping method. And that was because you deselected most of the shipping services in the settings of the UPS shipping method. I've added back a few shipping services for worldwide shipping and then I got the shipping rates on your checkout:

So it's now working on your website as far as I can see. Please check.

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1 year 7 months ago #354005

Nicolas I am so glad for your help. I would never have been able to solve this on my/our own. I like to think I helped you scope out some issues before formal release. I had no clue as to the additional things I needed to do in UPS account. Will check out your additions. So now I can take some time off in complete peace of mind. I'm sure I'll have a few more easy questions. Nothing like this plugin issue. Take care and a thousand thanks. I'm never averse to paying extra for service which goes beyond the bounds of the ordinary.
I was able to click through to payment to verify that the plugin now works! However, on the review order page, it is very distracting to see the big red error message. It's going to alarm the user. So I want to hide that. Can it be done via the usual custom css? Or by Php? As long as we are satisfied it is working, we'd like to keep the interface clean. (The error message does go away when we click through to pay.)

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by jgribble.

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1 year 7 months ago #354006


No worries. Thanks for helping us test the plugin.

Regarding the error message being displayed before the user enters his address, there are two ways to go about it:
- You keep everything like you have it now and under the Checkout tab of the HikaShop configuration, you turn off the "Display errors" setting of the Shipping area. The drawback is that even of legitimate errors, the users won't see the error message and thus they won't know why they don't see the shipping method selection. For example, if you don't allow any shipping service for worldwide delivery and you allow users to provide a shipping address outside the USA, users outside the USA would end up blocked on the checkout because no shipping method would be available to them, without any error message to explain what's going on.
- You could modify your checkout workflow to have two steps with one step with the address form, and a second step with the shipping method selection. That way, the user wouldn't get that error message before entering his address. To do that, you'll need to change your checkout workflow: www.hikashop.com/support/documentation/4...eckout-workflow.html
The second method will require some work, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

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1 year 7 months ago #354207

I am back from vacation and everything is looking much better. I have a couple questions which I will ask separately in two posts.
-Jim G.

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1 year 7 months ago #354208

Attached is a screenshot of checkout page. There are a couple things I want to change.
1. email is at the very top.
Unlike the other fields it is preceded by a label "E-mail." I don't know why that is there. Obviously this an e-mail. It doesn't really need a label. How do I get rid of it?
2. We also see a click labeled "Change guest information." I don't what that does, but I think I want to hide it. We are only going to allow guest checkout to avoid PCI-related expenses. Where does this link live and how can it be hidden/deleted?
3. I want to move the e-mail field down below the billing/shipping address section. It looks funny there at the top.
4. When I inspect the Finish button, it doesn't respond to text-align CSS to align left. How do I do that? Nobody will ever see it tucked away in the right bottom corner of the page. I also want to style that button to align with the overall site design. I know how to edit the text. It needs to say "Proceed to payment."
5. We see that PayPal Checkout is checked automatically as payment method. All good, but there is a problem in the next step. It doesn't work. Yet.

-Jim G.


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1 year 7 months ago #354209

When I click Finish I don't make it through to Paypal Chekout and it is not apparent why. Could you possibly take a quick look? This shouldn't be happening because the payment method is enabled and configured as default payment method. I'm pretty sure this is something simple in the settings?
Thank you!
-J Gribble

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by jgribble.

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1 year 7 months ago #354226


1. You can add a bit of CSS to hide that "email:" label. For example:

#hikashop_checkout_guest_email_title{ display:none; }

2. This "Change guest information" button allows the user to change the email address he entered. For example, if he notices he made a typo in the email address. So I don't recommend hiding it. Now, you can hide it with a bit of CSS if you want to:
.hikabtn_checkout_guest_logout{ display:none; }

3. Swap the "login" and "address" views in your Checkout workfow in the HikaShop configuration:

4. The button text can be changed with a translation override:
The button position can be changed with CSS.
Text-align won't work though. As you can see in the HTML, the button is inside a div with the class buttons_right, and the CSS on that class makes its content float to the right of the screen:
So, again, you could change that with CSS. For example:
.hikashop_checkout_buttons .buttons_right {
    float: left !important;

5. If you open the console of your browser on that page, you can see more information on why it doesn't work:
The main thing is this:

GET www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=AdUTqoxc...=card&intent=capture net::ERR_ABORTED 400

This basically says that the browser was not able to retrieve the PayPal Javascript file which is then supposed to display the different payment methods available.
Looking at the network information for this, I can see this: i.imgur.com/rUVXyZt.png
It seems that the client ID you provided in the payment method is truncated and it is not the full client id.

Also, besides from this client id issue, your let's encrypt SSL certificate for your domain name expired near the end of June. Because of this, accessing your website will be difficult for customers and it might also lead to browsers not allowing access to external resources like the JS file of PayPal. I would recommend renewing the certificate.

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1 year 7 months ago #354228

Thanks again for having a look, this should clear everything up!

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1 year 7 months ago #354243

Please see screenshot. Here, we have two buttons. One says "Next." The other says "Finish." I feel that the first button is necessary. "Finish" should be hidden because it will confuse users. How to do?
Thank you,


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1 year 7 months ago #354247

I found that the best course of action was to hide the "Next button." It is labeled "submit button" in checkout workflow. I am not sure what purpose it serves but we apparently do not need it for our store.
-Jim G.

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1 year 7 months ago #354253

So this is a screenshot of our checkout page. We see it has a header on top. I do not know why. It shouldn't be there. I did not assign the module to the checkout page. The checkout page is somehow grabbing it from the first product page. Each product page has a nice header which was designed in Smart Slider 3 and published to the page via the JA Business Template. The modules are assigned to the product pages only. They should not appear anywhere else, but this one does. Do you have any idea what would cause this unwanted behavior and how to fix it?
This does not seem to break Hikashop but would be very, very confusing to the user, so we have to address it. I am continuing to look around myself.
The checkout page always grabs a header from one of the three product pages. It appears to almost always grab the module from the first menu item. But I also have seen exceptions. The behavior is not predictable.
Is there another way within Hikashop to assign these headers to the product page? Would that stop the unwanted behavior? Is it some kind of weird interaction with the template? The headers are critical because they explain why the user should buy the product and how to do that.
Thank you,
-Jim G.

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by jgribble.

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1 year 7 months ago #354245


You can edit the file show_block_buttons via the menu Display>Views. There, you'll find this code which displays the finish button:

<button id="hikabtn_checkout_next" type="submit" class="<?php echo $this->config->get('css_button','hikabtn'); ?> hikabtn-success hikabtn_checkout_next" onclick="return window.checkout.submitStep(this);"><?php
			$steps = count($this->checkoutHelper->checkout_workflow['steps']);
			$txt = JText::_('HIKA_NEXT');
			if(($this->step + 1) == $steps) {
				$txt = JText::_($k);
				if($txt == $k)
					$txt = JText::_('HIKA_NEXT');
			echo $txt;
To hide it only when the user didn't fill the guest form, you can surround it like this:
<?php if(hikashop_loadUser()) { ?>
		<button id="hikabtn_checkout_next" type="submit" class="<?php echo $this->config->get('css_button','hikabtn'); ?> hikabtn-success hikabtn_checkout_next" onclick="return window.checkout.submitStep(this);"><?php
			$steps = count($this->checkoutHelper->checkout_workflow['steps']);
			$txt = JText::_('HIKA_NEXT');
			if(($this->step + 1) == $steps) {
				$txt = JText::_($k);
				if($txt == $k)
					$txt = JText::_('HIKA_NEXT');
			echo $txt;
<?php } ?>

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1 year 7 months ago #354254


You said "The modules are assigned to the product pages only.". However, there is no setting in the Joomla modules manager to restrict modules display to a HikaShop type of pages. The only restriction there is is to restrict the modules based on the current menu item.
I suppose that it's what you did. And I suppose you didn't configure anything in the "force menu on checkout" setting of the HikaShop configuration, or you selected in it the menu item of the product for which you configured this Smart Slider module instance.
In that case, what you want to do is to create a menu item of the type HikaShop checkout via the Joomla menu manager and select it in that "force menu on checkout" setting. That way, the checkout will use this specific checkout menu item, and modules not assigned to that menu item won't appear on the checkout pages.

Alternatively, the Advanced Modules Manager Pro extension actually has an integration with HikaShop so that you can restrict modules to products and HikaShop types of pages. Doing your modules restrictions with this extension would make it so the modules wouldn't appear on the checkout even when assigned to the menu item used on the checkout if properly restricted to product details type pages. But I don't think you need to go that route.

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