Little request: Invoices number prefix + suffix

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13 years 2 weeks ago #40951


An option to add Invoices prefix and suffix in the Invoice number.

Right now Invoice number is show as just a normal number:
573, 600 etc

Would be nice to see a prefix option to be added to make the number more "legal", is not really correct in legal terms to show invoice number as just a number.


X - 573 - 12


Last edit: 13 years 2 weeks ago by manuxx.

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13 years 2 weeks ago #41181

The invoice number format can be changed by changing the option "order number format" in the main tab of the configuration. You can easily add suffixes, prefixes, or anything else to it.
By default that order number already contains letters.

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13 years 1 week ago #41800

Hi Nicolas

I'm talking about the Invoice number not the Order number.

For what I see Hikashop says the invoice number is the same as the order number which is legally incorrect.

Can I make them different?


Last edit: 13 years 1 week ago by manuxx.

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13 years 1 week ago #41905

Where is the invoice number ? Could you do a screenshot ? I'm not following you.

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13 years 1 week ago #41974


I don't know if its a translation error.

In spanish,

factura= Invoice
pedido= Order

So as you can see it says the order number is the same as the invoice number.

And another doubt, that order has "created" status and the invoice is generated?

Shouldn't the invoice be generated on confirmed or delivered order status?

Uploaded with

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13 years 1 week ago #42174

There is only an order number which is generated when the order is created.
The invoice which is printed from the order use that number as invoice number.
So both are the same number.

If you want to add a prefix in the invoice there, it's easy. Edit the file "invoice" of the view "order" for your back end template via the menu Display->Views and change the line:
<?php echo JText::_('INVOICE').': '.@$this->element->order_number;?>

<?php echo JText::_('INVOICE').': prefix'.@$this->element->order_number;?>

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13 years 1 week ago #42180

Hi Nicolas

Thanks for answer, I need to make them differente as in my country is not legal to use the invoice number the same as the order one.


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12 years 11 months ago #43878

Hi Nicolas

I'm buying Hikashop next week and this Invoice matter is something that really worries me.

I see most Hikashop users here think Order and Invoice is the same thing and they even use the same number, something I believe is not even legal in most european countries.

The order is like a "ticket" and can have any numbering.

However Invoices is a legal and serious matter for any company.

Please take as a request considering the importance of this matter.

- Invoices have to be really a part from orders. Orders have no legal use while Invoices do.

- As mentioned before invoice number needs a prefix + year of the invoice. i.e X-209 /12

- Can Invoices be downloaded in PDF by the user from the front end?

- I don't understand is why the Invoice is created automatically when you create an order - this should be defined by shopper admin choosing confirmed or shipped order status before an invoice is created.

What I I create 20 testing orders, will I have 20 invoices? :blink:

If not, an order with cancelled status where payment has not been processed correctly automatically has an invoice???

Don't get me wrong I really like your component and I'm buying business edition next week but please consider the importance of this matter, Invoice's are a complex matter which in many e-commerce solutions require a 3rd party component but I feel in Hikashop this is treated without the care it should and it could bring many legal issues to a company.


Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by manuxx.

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12 years 11 months ago #43880

In HikaShop, an invoice is just a "printed" version of the order data.
So the order number is actually the same as the invoice number.
So in a way you can say that an invoice is created each time an order is created.
Sure, it's maybe "strange" but it has lots of advantages because it allows some users to use the system differently than a normal ordering process from the front end.

So basically, what you want is an option to "hide" the invoice buttons based on the status of the order.
It's noted. It's not really complicated. It just take a bit of time to add the checks and the option.

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12 years 11 months ago #43883

Hi Nicolas

Thanks for fast answer (as always B) )

I know your system is really easy and in a perfect world it would be awesome to do it that way.

The problem is that is not legally correct to do that here, If an inspector saw that we use the same number for invoices and orders we would be in trouble, I'm quite surprised cause your colleague seems french and in France I believe is the same thing as for our country in this sense.

What I'm requesting is an invoice system where invoices are generated in PDF and can be downloaded by the user, many of the customers will require an invoice and ask for it as the order itself has no legal value, is just a ticket. This is even more serious for european sale where online shops are forced to create invoices. Tickets or orders are just fine if you sell in your own country.

I know requesting is free but please consider this in the future as Invoices require a topic a part and are vital for companies.

They really need to be different in numbering at least.

Thanks for your time


Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by manuxx.

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12 years 11 months ago #43885

I'm French and I've talked about that with our accountant and he didn't see a problem with not having a PDF version of the invoices or having the same numbers. PayPal is a lot worst for him than anything else: it's a fake bank account (PayPal is not a bank) which has commissions which can vary when receiving the funds and can even handle several currencies making the whole thing a nightmare for accountants.

We're actually working on a PDF creation plugin for next release of HikaShop so that users can download a PDF of their orders/get it via email.

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12 years 11 months ago #43887

Thanks Nicolas

Our accountant always says they should be different, ill double check cause that would solve that matter. OFC it would be awesome if we could use the same number.

A part from this Invoices have to be correlative, no doubt there, so having 20 cancelled invoices doesn't make much sense.

It would be nice just an option like "create invoice when order status=" confirmed, shipped etc

Is great that the PDF option is planned for next version but do it for invoices please, not orders :)

I insists they are 2 very different things.

If I send an order in PDF to a customer he will ask me for the invoice as the order has no legal value for him and being for example a "self-employed" he will require an invoice.

Agree with you about Paypal, their commissions would need an entire post a part.


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12 years 11 months ago #43927

nicolas wrote: I'm French
We're actually working on a PDF creation plugin for next release of HikaShop so that users can download a PDF of their orders/get it via email.

to be able to download a pdf will be a great option

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12 years 11 months ago #45431

I think it is crucial to have a proper invoice numbering for a company.
My taxman would sue me if I would not have incrementing numbers on them (way to easy to fake invoices etc) and they don't allow for missing numbers either.

So yes it is one of the reasons I can not implement HIKAshop with some of my clients at the moment. (And they are the ones that are willing to pay for a component)
They need proper invoice numbers and a proper invoice with all details.

Really hope this issue is solved quickly.


Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by zebrafilm.

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12 years 11 months ago #45445

Exactly the same here.

Had to use another e-commerce solution cause of the invoice system hikashop uses.

As Nicolas said "In HikaShop, an invoice is just a "printed" version of the order data."

And this is a major issue.

I hope they work on it and I can use Hikashop on another website.


Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by manuxx.

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12 years 11 months ago #45448

Just to keep it positive: Might be good to have a chat with David from Chillcreations who already made the IDEAL payment plugin for HIKAshop, to check if they can incorporate their ccInvoice(ing) into HIKA too?
Might save time.

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12 years 11 months ago #45449

Or Jan from Artio's Invoice.

He did a great job with VM creating a professional invoice system, would be nice to see that for Hikashop too.

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12 years 11 months ago #45456

it must not be to hard to adapt it for Hikashop I think

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9 years 3 months ago #222883

Hi, I know it's an old topic but I would like to add.

This goes for Denmark too!
It is not legal to use order number as the invoice number!!!
Order is one thing, Invoice an other thing.

Customer makes an order. You can say, that is a request to buy something. The seller has the option to cancel the order, could be that product is not available any longer, payment on credit card did not get accepted, etc.
When seller is ready to ship order, then he needs to send an Invoice. That's generated when it's official an income of money, if you ask an Accountant. Also, in Denmark you are not allowed to charge the creditcard before you have actually shipped the product. So when you ship and charge customer, then you generate an Invoice - and this has to have it's OWN number!

Best regards,

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Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by flexsus. Reason: solved

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9 years 3 months ago #222911


As you say, this is an old topic.

HikaShop has now two numbers for an order:
- The order number, which is generated when the order is created
- The invoice number, which is generated when the order is confirmed (after the payment is made)
Of course the invoice that you can get out of the order will include the invoice number.
So you can meet these requirements with ease.

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