Wishlist access from product listing doesn´t work

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12 years 2 weeks ago #91957


I have a problem with the wishlist. If I click to the "add to wishlist button" from main page (product listing) I get the reached limit message and the wishlist doesn´t appear. If I do the same thing from product details it works fine. I set the maximum quantity for each product to one in backend and modified the wishlist (cart/showcart). Even when I set the showcart to default the problem still is being there. Website: www.mydinx.com .

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12 years 2 weeks ago #92009


The wishlist must not be concerned by the limits. There are checks on that, but it seems that one of them were missing.
I have corrected it on my end.

You have to edit the file "administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php" in the function "loadFullCart()" add the code:

					$database->setQuery('SELECT cart_type FROM '.hikashop_table('cart').' WHERE cart_id = '.(int)$cart->cart_id);
					$cart_type = $database->loadResult();
					if($cart->cart_type != 'wishlist')

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12 years 2 weeks ago #92076

Hi Xavier,

I set wishlist to default and modified cart.php. The problem is still there. I the attachment you can see what I modified.

File Attachment:

File Name: cart.txt
File Size:60 KB


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12 years 2 weeks ago #92143

Can you try with:

					$cartData = $this->loadCart($cart->cart_id);
					if($cartData->cart_type != 'wishlist')
Instead of:
					$database->setQuery('SELECT cart_type FROM '.hikashop_table('cart').' WHERE cart_id = '.(int)$cart->cart_id);
					$cart_type = $database->loadResult();
					if($cart->cart_type != 'wishlist')

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12 years 2 weeks ago #92155

Hi Xavier,

Thanks for response. I changed the code and cleaned up all wishlists but nothing changes.


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12 years 2 weeks ago #92355


Could you give me a link to your website, and a backend access ?

Thanks for the backend access.

I need the FTP to debug your problem, I can't reproduce it on my end.
And the config access.

PS: You can use the pm button.

Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by Xavier.

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12 years 1 week ago #93116

Solved, the problem was that you don't had the latest version of the file "components/com_hikashop/controllers/product.php" and when clicking to add in the wishlist, it tried to add to the cart.

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12 years 1 week ago #93329

Hi Xavier,

Thank you for help me. I`m missing the wishlist. When I push the "add to wishlist button" as registred user or guest nothing happens. There should come the wishlist for registred users and a message like "login first" for guests when pushing the botton. Can you explain me how to solve this please?

Best Regards

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12 years 1 week ago #93376


I tried again on your website, and when clicking on the "add to wishlist button" the product is added to the wishlist.
Then clicking on the show wishlist button (bottom left of your website) it redirect me to the wishlist listing.

I don't see any problem here.
To hide the wishlist to the users, you can use the option "Hide wishlist button for guest users" in Config > Features > Wishlists.

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12 years 5 days ago #93692

Hi Xavier,

Sorry I forgot that position. I was just for testing. I`m not sure if I explained right before about the add to wishlist button. This is not what I wanted to ask you. I mean the function of the add to wishlist button. The button ever has to be visible. There I just need that a "login first message" appears when a non registred user pushs the button.

I still have problems with the wishlist. If I eliminate all products from hikashop wishlist I get a white screen. When I push the browsers Back-button after getting the white screen I get a login first message and I can´t add more products.

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12 years 3 days ago #93822


You can create a plugin based on the function "onBeforeCartUpdate()" and id the cart type is "wishlist" and the user is not logged in, so you don't add anything in the wishlist, display a message (Joomla enqueue message, or popup, or redirect to custom page) and then redirect back the customer to the product listing.

For the white page, it seems that a 500 error is returned, can you enable the Joomla debug mode and set the error reporting to "maximum" ?

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12 years 3 days ago #93881

Hi Xavier,

I tried to understand how to create a plugin. But this is really too heavy for me. Isn´t it possible to modify the cart/showcart.php? I have seen that there is some code in the top area under the line $app = JFactory::getApplication();. Is it possible to add the function that if user is not logged in he gets directed to register page? I was looking for the right code but could`t make it work.

I turned on the debug mode and following message appears:
Notice: Undefined variable: conf in /var/www/vhosts/mydinx.com/httpdocs/components/com_hikashop/controllers/product.php on line 389 Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/mydinx.com/httpdocs/components/com_hikashop/controll

File Attachment:

File Name: product.txt
File Size:16 KB

ers/product.php on line 389


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12 years 2 days ago #94076


You can edit the view "product / quantity" and for the add to wishlist, you can replace the action/url if the user is not logged in.
To check if the user is logged in or not, you can use the code:

$user = hikashop_loadUser();
if($user == null){
	// Your link
	echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST'),$btnType,$this->params,$url,$wishlistAjax,'',$max,$min,'',false); //Old code

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12 years 1 day ago #94284

Hi Xavier,

I`m getting error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'else' (T_ELSE)

If I do it without "else{" I get the message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file

I attached the file. Can you tell me please how to solve this? Thank you.

File Attachment:

File Name: quantity.txt
File Size:8 KB

Best Regards,


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12 years 1 day ago #94340


You have wrongly edited this file, many "}" were missing..

Thanks to try with that code:

 * @package  HikaShop for Joomla!
 * @version  2.1.0
 * @author  hikashop.com
 * @copyright  (C) 2010-2012 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved.
 * @license  GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
    if(!isset($this->cart)) $this->cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
		echo     $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('CHOOSE_OPTIONS'),'choose_options',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('product&task=show&product_id='.$this->row->product_id.'&name='.$this->row->alias.$this->itemid.$this->category_pathway),'window.location  =  \''.str_replace("'","\'",hikashop_completeLink('product&task=show&product_id='.$this->row->product_id.'&name='.$this->row->alias.$this->itemid.$this->category_pathway)).'\';return  false;','');
        $config =& hikashop_config();
        $this->cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
        $url = '';
        $module_id = $this->params->get('from_module',0);
          $this->ajax = 'return hikashopModifyQuantity(\''.$this->row->product_id.'\',field,1,0,\'cart\','.$module_id.')';
        if(@$this->row->product_sale_start || empty($this->element->main)){
          $start_date = @$this->row->product_sale_start;
          $start_date = $this->element->main->product_sale_start;
        if(@$this->row->product_sale_end || empty($this->element->main)){
          $end_date = @$this->row->product_sale_end;
          $end_date = $this->element->main->product_sale_end;

        if($end_date && $end_date<time()){
			<span class="hikashop_product_sale_end">
            <?php echo JText::_('ITEM_NOT_SOLD_ANYMORE'); ?>
        }elseif($start_date && $start_date>time()){
			<span class="hikashop_product_sale_start">
				echo JText::sprintf('ITEM_SOLD_ON_DATE',hikashop_getDate($start_date,$this->params->get('date_format','%d %B %Y')));
        }elseif(!$this->params->get('catalogue')  &&  ($this->config->get('display_add_to_cart_for_free_products')  ||  !empty($this->row->prices))){
			if(@$this->row->product_min_per_order || empty($this->element->main)){
				$min = @$this->row->product_min_per_order;
				$min = @$this->element->main->product_min_per_order;
			if(@$this->row->product_max_per_order || empty($this->element->main)){
				$max = @$this->row->product_max_per_order;
				$max = @$this->element->main->product_max_per_order;
			$formName = ',0';

			if  (!$this->config->get('ajax_add_to_cart',  0) ||  ($this->config->get('show_quantity_field')>=2  &&  !@$this->element->product_id)) {
				if(empty($this->formName)) {
						$formName = ',\'hikashop_product_form_'.$this->row->product_id.'_'.$this->params->get('main_div_name').'\'';
						$formName = ',\'hikashop_product_form_'.$this->params->get('main_div_name').'\'';
				} else {
					$formName = $this->formName;
			$wishlistAjax  =  'if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'item\''.$formName.')){  return  hikashopModifyQuantity(\'' . (int)@$this->row->product_id  .  '\',field,1' . $formName . ',\'wishlist\','.$module_id.'); } else  {  return false; }';

			if($this->row->product_quantity  ==  -1 && !empty($this->element->main)  &&  $this->element->main->product_quantity != -1){
				$this->row->product_quantity = $this->element->main->product_quantity;
			$btnType = 'add';
				<div class="hikashop_product_stock">
					echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_CART'),'add',$this->params,$url,$this->ajax,'',$max,$min);
					$btnType = 'wish';
				if(hikashop_loadUser() != null){
					// display the button
				if($this->params->get('add_to_wishlist') && $config->get('enable_wishlist', 1)){
					echo '<div id="hikashop_add_wishlist">';
					$user = hikashop_loadUser();
					if($user == null){ // www.mydinx.com/login.html 
						echo     $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST'),$btnType,$this->params,$url,$wishlistAjax,'',$max,$min,'',false);
						echo '</div>';
				<div class="hikashop_product_stock">
				echo  '<span  class="hikashop_product_stock_count">'.JText::sprintf('X_ITEMS_IN_STOCK',$this->row->product_quantity).'</span><br/>';
					echo '<br />';
				if($max<=0 || $max>$this->row->product_quantity) $max = $this->row->product_quantity;
					echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_CART'),'add',$this->params,$url,$this->ajax,'',$max,$min);
					$btnType = 'wish';
				if(hikashop_loadUser() != null){
					// display the button
				if($this->params->get('add_to_wishlist')  && $config->get('enable_wishlist', 1)){
					echo '<div id="hikashop_add_wishlist">';
					$user = hikashop_loadUser();
					if($user == null){ // www.mydinx.com/login.html 
						echo     $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST'),$btnType,$this->params,$url,$wishlistAjax,'',$max,$min,'',false);
						echo '</div>';
				<div class="hikashop_product_no_stock">
				echo JText::_('NO_STOCK').'<br/>';
				$waitlist = $this->config->get('product_waitlist',0);
				if(hikashop_level(1)  &&  ($waitlist==2 || ($waitlist==1  &&  (!empty($this->element->main->product_waitlist)  ||  !empty($this->element->product_waitlist))))){ ?>
				  </div><div id="hikashop_product_waitlist_main" class="hikashop_product_waitlist_main">
				  $params = new HikaParameter($empty);
				  echo     $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_ME_WAITLIST'),'add_waitlist',$params,hikashop_completeLink('product&task=waitlist&cid='.$this->row->product_id),'window.location=\''.str_replace("'","\'",hikashop_completeLink('product&task=waitlist&cid='.$this->row->product_id)).'\';return  false;');
				if(hikashop_loadUser() != null){
					// display the button
				if($this->params->get('add_to_wishlist')  && $config->get('enable_wishlist', 1)){
					echo '<div id="hikashop_add_wishlist">';
					$user = hikashop_loadUser();
					if($user == null){ // www.mydinx.com/login.html 
						echo     $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST'),'add',$this->params,$url,$wishlistAjax,'',@$this->row->product_max_per_order,1,'',false);
						echo '</div>';

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12 years 1 day ago #94344

Hi Xavier,

Thank you for your fast reply. I tried the code. Now I get following message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ...../html/com_hikashop/product/quantity.php on line 1 :(

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12 years 1 day ago #94363

Try to save your current code in an external file, delete the modifications in the views listing for the view "quantity".

See if it's working fine, and try to add again your changes without forget some "}" ;)

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12 years 1 day ago #94426

Thank you. Now the site is back again but the add to wishlist button disappears when not logged in.

This is why I included:
if(hikashop_loadUser() != null){
// display the button
It worked before but now it doesn´t take effect any more. You can see it too in the code you send me.

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12 years 16 hours ago #94480

In your code the part:

				if(hikashop_loadUser() != null){
					// display the button
is useless.
But instead of:
if($user == null){ // www.mydinx.com/login.html 
You need to put a button instead of the comment, if you only have a comment, so it's normal to have nothing displayed.
if($user == null){ // www.mydinx.com/login.html 
    echo "<input type='button' value='".JText::_('ADD_TO_CART')."' onclick='window.location = \"http://www.mydinx.com/login.html/\"'/>";

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12 years 50 minutes ago #94645

Thank you Xavier. Now the button appears again :) . To show the cart button I included class from the button I modified before but the button still is the same. There shouldn´t be a border or background image.

echo "<input class='hikashop_cart_button' type='button' value='".JText::_('ADD_TO_WISHLIST').....;

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