import data

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11 years 8 months ago #112503

I read the page about import and some very interesting post like this one . The most important thing is t understand what the word mean and the relation it have in the eco system.

When i read the documentation for import , they say do that do that but don't help understand why .

i test create a product and copy it and see that item increment in hikashop_product and hiskashop_price table. In Mysql when we import some data in csv format all the data ll go to the same table . Since copy item in joomla backEnd modify the number of item in many tables; the import of csv in hikashop don't work like standart SQL( csv) way. So even using script for populate tableS is not easy if we don't know the relation beetween table.ColumnName ...

So my question is :

1) Does the name of the first line are items take from the name of table column name ?

2)Which column name, predefine name( don't store in a table) can be use in the hikashop csv ?
categories seem to be a predefine name ( see after)
predefine name has it own syntax for value !!!

3) where come from categories
table __categories don't have columnName categories
table _hikashop_category don't have columnName categories only category_id

4) when i import by download image file to local ../media/com_hikashop/upload , hikashop_file table increment but don't succeed to show a link file , in the column name file_path the value is C:\dd\file.jpg. Is there some configuration for link to image ?

5) the default directory for upload image are locate in media/com_hikashop/upload/ ? why not write that it is the default setting and that it could be change ?

6) in product gui ,name and product are link that have the same gui and can have many images . what is the logic behind be able to attach many image to an product .
Name link => /administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=edit&cid[]=6
code link => /administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=edit&cid[]=6
i discover the url behind name or code link value are the same
why create 2 links name that goes to the same link url ? it create a misunderstood ............

7) for currency where to find the predefine value for euros , the doc show EUR but for others currency where the dev user have to look to find is currency ( export ?)

8) when the doc say export the product it give no informations/clue ( use hikashop backEnd , phpadmin , MYSQL IDE debugger ?).

9) all variant have the same product_code ?

Perhaps the best ll be to have a look to the file that parse the csv files ?
I never undertand why developpper don't create wiki since dev focus on code and documentation ll come later, with wiki every one who understand code can share his knowledge like OSM .

It is not a big problem , it require only time ( many test) to understand how it work


Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by lionel75.

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11 years 8 months ago #112506


In order for a wiki to be useful, it needs to have a strong community behind it. OSM has millions of users. HikaShop 10s of thousands. The scale is not the same. Almost no one would edit it and it would take us a lot of time to handle spam. We welcome anyone to share tutorials they create. We'll be more than happy to integrate them on our website or link to them, as we already did for the ones that were already shared with the "resources" area.

As the documentation explains, you can export the CSV of some products you already created via the interface. It's simple, there is an export button on the products listing for that. That will tell you all the possible columns and what information should go in which column.

Regarding the currencies, you probably missed the menu System>Currencies which lists all the currencies. On top of that, it is the standard ISO code for currencies, and on top of that, if you do an export of prices in different currencies, you will see the ISO code of all these currencies.

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11 years 8 months ago #112507

i was not aware of an export menu item in hikashop GUI .
thank's i ll have a look
i really begin to think that hikashop is really nice and easy to use .

Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by lionel75.

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