Thanks both of you.
I really liked the RT template and my immediate thought was "Damn, it would be nice to see Hikashop on this template".
After that i read in the forum and only fund the text above, actually there were more text that i didnt included - "Hikashop, never heard of it".
I´m not skilled with CSS, i can change preset #code nothing more, so i don´t know how Hikashop has construct their CSS. So it was more an idea that would be nice to see Hikashop support for this template.
I think Hikashop is great, i have made a complete Swedish translation, but as the comment above indicate - Hikashop is pretty anonymous. It would be great commercial for Hikashop to be seen at Rockettheme but if the CSS structure is not suited for this, it´s nothing to do. I agree RT approach is a sales hype, but still.. 
Thanks again for input