Registration email not being sent

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12 years 5 months ago #68101

I have run into a bit of a problem with Hikashop. It seems that when customers attempt to create their accounts, it all goes well until the part where the software sends them the registration email. It never gets sent. It isn't a problem with joomla, since i can send emails via the joomla back end, and i can even email registered and unregistered customers via the hikashop customers tab. All those go through, as do the receipts and order confirmation emails when registered users order items. The only part that is failing is the registration email. I have been through the forums, and have yet to find anything like it.

I don't know if it helps, but i am using hikashop Essential version 1.6.0
Joomla version 2.5.6
I am on a shared server at godaddy.

Please let me know what other info i can provide in helping you help me with this.

Thank you,

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12 years 5 months ago #68226

Hi Justin,

HikaShop sends the confirmation email using joomla.
If emails are not sent, maybe that's because you changed the email settings in Joomla ? Or something changed on your hosting company email server.

Hope this will help you.

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12 years 5 months ago #68271

Emails are being sent. Or at least most of them, the only ones that are not going are the registration emails. All other emails send fine. The receipts, order confirmation, and user emails process properly.

Just wondering if this is a bug, or anything on the hikashop/joomla side. I am also in touch with the hosting company, but they are at a loss as well.

thank you,

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12 years 5 months ago #68332

HikaShop sends all the emails the same way, via Joomla. And there is no such bug in Joomla/HikaShop. If even the other emails of HikaShop are being sent, the only two possibilities I can think of is that :
1. you changed that email in some way that the email server does not like (for example if you changed the translations in some way for that email).
2. the email server doesn't like the content of the default. Maybe the activation URL is too long, or there is a special character that the email server does not like.

The best would be to look into the logs of the email server to see why the email was rejected, if that's what is happening.

The user registration email is really important for your website when the user account activation option of the user manager is activated. One quick solution might be to turn off the activation for now maybe ?

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11 years 9 months ago #107531


I'm seeing this same issue. It started as soon as I changed from using default Joomla registration to activating the "Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop Plugin." The newly registered user still sees the following message after submitting registration:

Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link when you get the e-mail before you can login.

However, the email message with the activation link never arrives so the user cannot login because he cannot activate his account.

If I disable the "Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop Plugin" then the Joomla registration activation messages are again sent.

BTW, on the chance that there was a conflict with the "Joomla User - Profile" plugin, I turned off "Joomla User - Profile" as well, but no matter what, when "Redirect Joomla registration to HikaShop Plugin" is activated, no activation message is delivered.

I'm using:

HikaShop Business 2.1.3
Joomla 2.5.11
PHP Mail

Any ideas? Might there be an issue with HikaShop joomla user account link plugin, which I also have activated?



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11 years 9 months ago #107559


There is no conflict with any plugin.
The information I provided 8 months ago is still valid.
I would recommend to check the email logs of your email server with your hosting company, and to see with them if the email settings of HikaShop are properly configured for the way they configured your email server.

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11 years 9 months ago #107654

As I said: turn on the HikaShp plug-in, the message fails, turn off the HikaShop plugin and the message is delivered again just as before. No other changes.

This is my own test server, not a hosted site, so when I say that the HikaShop plug-in is absolutely the only change, this is the truth.

I'd like a less dismissive answer since I have purchased HikaShop Business and more than one person has reported this issue but I do not see that the issue was resolved for that user, only that the user was told that his problem is not a problem caused by HikaShop. I am willing to work with you privately on this and research mail logs if that would be helpful.

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11 years 9 months ago #107880

The test that you made with the plugin doesn't mean that it comes from that plugin.
When you activate the plugin, it's HikaShop which will send the email via your email server. If you deactivate the plugin, it's joomla which will send the email via your email server.
So it just mean that the email settings of the configuration of HikaShop are not correct, and thus the email is rejected by the email server when you use HikaShop, not when you use joomla.

You can do a simple test:
Copy the link of the page when the plugin is activated. Then, deactivate it and register via that page URL. You will see that even though the plugin is deactivated you still do not receive the email.

If you want more proof that it comes from your email server, you can configure joomla and hikashop emails settings to use a gmail account's SMTP server:
You should then receive the emails regardless of whether you use the HikaShop or the Joomla registration page.

It's not that I want to dismiss a potential bug. Registration emails are being sent for thousands of other users regardless of the version of HikaShop, of Joomla or the settings of HikaShop, so I can assure you that the problem is not in HikaShop. The only change between the other users and your case is that you have a different server configuration.
Since it is your own server, you must have full control on the email server so simply look at the end of your email server logs and you will find the reason why the email isn't being sent. If you don't understand the error in the logs, just copy/paste it here or via PM and we should be able to tell you what to do.

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11 years 9 months ago #108028

Thank you very much for the reply.

Ah, I was confused by the documentation and the previous replies regarding how the email messages from HikaShop are processed.

The documentation I found at says:

"Note that there is no mail sending configuration in HikaShop as HikaShop uses Joomla to send emails so if you want to change that, you should go to the Joomla configuration screen."

But the new reply says:

"When you activate the plugin, it's HikaShop which will send the email via your email server. If you deactivate the plugin, it's joomla which will send the email via your email server. So it just mean that the email settings of the configuration of HikaShop are not correct, and thus the email is rejected by the email server when you use HikaShop, not when you use joomla."


Could you tell me where I can find the correct email settings for HikaShop so I can reconfigure? Like I said, I'm not having any email problems with the server, the site, or any other Joomla messaging. But if I'm still not getting email after following the directions for HikaShop email configuration, I will definitely take you up on PMing the log messages.

Thanks again! :)

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11 years 9 months ago #108157

Well, both texts are correct.
It's in fact more complex than that and I simplified my explanation in both text which is why you're confused.
In fact, neither HikaShop nor the Joomla CMS send any emails.
Both HikaShop and the Joomla CMS call the Joomla library to send their emails which then send the email via the email server of your server.
The Joomla library bases itself on the Joomla email settings to send the emails via the email server, so in that respect it's indeed in the Joomla configuration that you will find the settings for the Joomla library email sending process.
But before calling the Joomla library to send the email, both Joomla CMS and HikaShop generate their emails HTML and headers on their end with their own process. In the case of the Joomla CMS, there is no option to configure the the email headers and HTML generation. But in the case of HikaShop we have a whole section of the configuration dedicated to that:

For example, regarding the charset option, some email servers do not support UTF8 and only their own country charset (ISO-xxx). With HikaShop email settings, you can select that charset so that all the characters of the emails will display fine. With the Joomla CMS, it will always send the emails of Joomla in UTF8 so it won't work properly on some servers.
HikaShop also allows you to configure a bounce back email address which can be quite handy in some cases. Joomla doesn't have that option and you won't be able to set that as the option doesn't exist for Joomla. However, if that bounce back address is not configured properly, it can create email sending issues based on how the email server is configured.

Most of these settings will depend on how the email server is configured so that's why I encouraged you to seek advice with your hosting company since I don't know how the email server is configured.

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11 years 9 months ago #108168

Thanks! I did know that you did not literally mean that the CMS itself sends messages. B)

Just a quick reply before I dig into the logs later today.

The HikaShop email settings are identical to the HikaShop documentation example.

The Joomla server email settings that are currently working for non-HikaShop-related message sends are not much since we're using PHP mail (just Sendmail path: /usr/sbin/sendmail and SMTP host: localhost).

If for any reason you think that HikaShop might need different PHP mail configuration settings to send messages via the Joomla library functions then I'm happy to PM the PHP mail configuration settings. Otherwise, if there is something specific for which I should be looking please let me know.

BTW, I very much like the customizable HikaShop email messages. They were one reason why we decided on HikaShop Business. :)

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11 years 9 months ago #108178

The PHP mail settings just tells PHP how to contact the email server to have the email sent. It doesn't give any information on the email server configuration itself. So I'm afraid that it won't help. You should rather look at the settings of your email server.

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11 years 9 months ago #108505


Here's the key question: Since I am watching the current mail server settings sending:

  1. account notification messages from the ordinary Joomla registration
  2. other types of messages from other plug-ins, (DocMan Notification Plugin, for example)

then exactly which mail server setting(s) am I looking for that HikaShop requires to be different from these other Joomla plug-ins that are successfully sending email?

I've consulted my system administrator and he has said that if no different setting is required for HikaShop and the other messaging is working fine then he has no clue what to change.

Thank you!

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11 years 9 months ago #108555

The main difference is that the other components and Joomla itself send text emails while HikaShop sends HTML emails (for better looking emails).
Also the emails sent by HikaShop are multipart (they contain both the HTML and the text version for old email clients) while the other components emails are not multipart since they only send text emails.

One thing you can try is to edit the email via the System>Emails menu and turn off the option to send the HTML and in the configuration of HikaShop turn off the multiple part option. That way, the registration email send by HikaShop will be a plain text version like the other components and joomla.
But you will have to do the same with all the other emails of HikaShop and the orders summary of order notifications cannot be formatted nicely without HTML.

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11 years 9 months ago #108566

When I create orders in the back end, the multi-part messages containing HTML with the download links go through fine. BTW, we really like the multi-part option because we do have some customers who strip out clickable download links for security, but that is entirely on their side.

I switched multi-part off and the registration activation message was indeed delivered.

So, I would say there is still something specific to that plug-in regarding registration activation messages, but at least we can get users registered from HikaShop now. :woohoo:

Thank you very much!

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11 years 9 months ago #108568

As I said from the beginning, the issue is with your email server which, as you discovered, doesn't handle multipart emails properly.
There is nothing to fix in our plugin. If the email server cannot accept multipart emails, there is nothing HikaShop can do to avoid it. You either need to use another email server or fix that email server settings to handle multipart emails sending.

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11 years 9 months ago #108577

My answer would be:

"Please make sure that your mail server is configured to handle multi-part (HTML and text) mail messages."

I think that I did ask what specific configuration is required by HikaShop once or twice between the explanations of what the "server does not like" and Joomla vs. HikaShop message sending but I lost this answer in the details.

Here's what the current HikaShop documentation says:

Multiple Part : Should HikaShop send multiple part emails? If so, HikaShop will send the text and the html version in the email so that depending on the recipient server, the appropriate version will be opened.

Maybe this would be a good place to say "Requires website's email server be configured to support sending multiple part messages."

Raise your hands if you are implementing an online store and did not know that there was such a setting? Oh... maybe it's just me. :whistle:

Cultural context: meant to be funny and just a little frustrated.

And yes, I agree this is not a bug in the code.

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by reddeer. Reason: added line that is not a bug

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11 years 9 months ago #108584

Well it's not that easy.
First, HikaShop does not require email servers to support multipart (that's why we have the option to turn it off).
Second, from the beginning I told you to check with your hosting company that the email settings of both HikaShop and Joomla were configured according to their recommendations. So they should have told you that they didn't support multipart.
Third, I can't tell what specific configuration is required for email servers by HikaShop as there is no specific configuration required. You just need to configure it based on your server limitations. Note also that you're the first one with that issue on the multipart option so it's not obvious for me that it comes from there either (I guess that 99% of the email servers out there support multipart)... otherwise I would have told you directly, or we would already have deactivated it by default to avoid having the question every week, which is not the case.

Now, I agree that we could potentially add it to the documentation but then, we can't reasonably add that warning for each option of the email settings (yes it could have come from any of the email settings).

In any case, I'm glad you found the solution for the issue.

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11 years 5 months ago #124300

I have the same problemen that the registration email is not being sent :( I tried to solve it with the information in this topic, but that doesn't work so far.

Other emails from HikaShop (for example the one with a confirmation that you ordered something and also I as administrator receive that confirmation). How is it possible that this kind of emails are sent, but the registration email is not? If there is a problem with the server, than you should expect that the other Hikashop emails are also not sent?

Hope somebody can help again.

Edit: I don't know what I have done, but it is solved now. Next ;)

Hikashop Essential 2.2.3
Joomla 3.2.0
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by F4P.

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10 years 3 months ago #180024

Joomla 3.3.6.
Hikashop version - I just installed it this week
I have configured Hikashop and it all seems to be working EXCEPT the sending of emails....

The Registration email does not get sent nor does the email that should be sent after a purchase transaction.

Any help would be appreciated.

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