blank screen when updating cart

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11 years 9 months ago #108269

I can't consistent recreate this problem. When I try to update my shopping cart (add or delete product), it should automatically refresh my product page which refreshes shopping cart info on the left column, but instead I get a blank screen (under my menu bar). After it gets blank screen (below the top menu bar), the browser url is showing http://mywebsite/component/hikashop/product/updatecart. If it's working correctly it should show my product page url (e.g. mywebsite/product).

On an older computer/OS we can consistent get the error on firefox and IE when trying to update the cart (add/delete).

On my new computer/OS, it works majority of the time, but I get the blank screen intermittently. I have not figure out the pattern when I get the blank screen. I can recreate this problem sometime following this step
1. if I checkout my cart
2. proceed to paypal
3. I don't logging into paypal
4. I manually go back to my website (without clicking Cancel and return button on the bottom of the paypal screen)
5. update my cart (adding/deleting product from cart).
6. I get blank screen under my top menu bar.

I have hikashop starter version 2.1.1 installed.

FYI: Since the client has only limited products and only 1 category, I didn't use hikashop product template page, instead I used joomla article to build my own product page using this "{product}4|description{/product}" to display product description and used this "{product}1|cart|pricedis3{/product}" to produce "Add to Cart" button.

Appreciate any help as this is affecting my customer with her orders.

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by laurangeng18.

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11 years 9 months ago #108292


We are not able to reproduce the problem. Maybe an update of HikaShop to the latest version would help.
Otherwise, I recommend to turn on the debug mode and error reporting options of the joomla configuration and try again. Do you see any error message when you reproduce the problem with these options turned on ?
If not, can you do a screenshot of your browser on the page where the error happens ?

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11 years 9 months ago #108302

I did turn on debugging and no error was displayed.
I just upgraded to latest version of hikashop and I'm still getting the blank screen in the old computer/OS. I can't recreate this problem on my new computer/OS (again that one I get intermittent blank screen). So far I can't recreate the problem on Apple's safari.
Here is the website:
Attached is the blank screen shot.

When I get the blank screen, website is directed to url instead of maybe an indication of the error?

You know what hikashop code/file I can look to debug this problem? should I look at component/controller/cart.php? Is there some debugging line I should put in to help with this? Is it trying to display an error message, but somehow for some reason it can't.


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11 years 9 months ago #108327

FYI: Even with the blank screen, it does add/delete the product. So if I go back to the product page (using the menu bar), it does display the page and update the cart. It is just when I add or delete a product, it automatically refresh to a blank screen rather than go back to the product page.

Did another test: Just went to old computer and went to the product page and click check out and went to the paypal page. Once in paypal, I click "cancel and return to website". This suddenly clears the blank page problem. So I wonder if I'm getting intermittent cache or order error that somehow when I click on paypal's "Cancel and Return" button it clears up cache (or clear data stored) that is causing the blank screen error. Until I do this step, I was able to repeated reproduce the blank screen error in the old computer.

Does this make sense? I wonder if you can point to file/code/setting where I can start debug this error?

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11 years 9 months ago #108361

I don't have the problem on your website.
So I guess that the problem is fixed with the new version.
The problem was probably coming from the cart data which was screwed and proceeding to paypal and coming back cleared the cart data and thus it then worked fine.

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11 years 9 months ago #108395

The upgrade of hikashop, unfortunately, did not fix the problem. Problem is still showing up intermittently. I just found out way to clear the the blank screen for testing purpose, but THE REAL buyer who experience this blank screen will never reach the paypal screen to clear this error. They will end up not buying any product and leave the website.

This seem to best way to recreate the blank screen (seem to recreaet majority of the time):
1. Go to .
2. Add one of the product to cart
3. checkout cart
2. proceed to paypal
3. Don't logging into paypal
4. Manually go back to website (without clicking Cancel and return button on the bottom of the paypal screen), by entering
5. update my cart (adding/deleting product from cart).
6. The blank screen will show up majority of the time.

You know which file(s) I can look into that handle insert/delete and update cart as well as clear cart (cache?) if paypal cancels, so this can be debug further. You know where is the cart stored? My client is not happy with me right now. She is losing orders, unfortunately I didn't catch this intermittent problem until after it went into production.

Thanks for any clues you can give.

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by laurangeng18.

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11 years 9 months ago #108418

I created product page using index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=product&layout=listing to see if the problem is caused by my using article to create my own product page versus using hikashop default product layout page. The blank screen error is happening in there too.. The only difference is the cart shows up on the left column, but the product page on the main column is blank (see attached).

The url show (t is my test product page) versus the product page.

Is it forgetting to where to go back to the product page so that's show it's blank? Or it's failing somewhere so it never return back to the product page.


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11 years 9 months ago #108598

Since I can't figure the problem out, I try uninstalling hikashop and clearing the hikashop database as well. I reinstall the latest copy of hikashop and I'm still getting the blank screen error. Is there a bug in caching/sync in hikashop? When I click on the shopping cart page, , (after it returns a blank screen), it is adding the product.

This seem to the best way to recreate the blank screen (seem to recreate majority of the time) on my computer, but I'm not sure if the blank screen occurs in other scenario.
1. Go to .
2. Add one of the product to cart
3. checkout cart
2. proceed to paypal
3. DO NOT logging into paypal
4. Close the paypal login webpage (DO NOT CLICK Cancel and return button).
4. Manually go back to website by entering
5. update my cart (adding/deleting product from cart).
6. The blank screen will show up majority of the time.

To clear the blank screen error, I have to place order, checkout and proceed to paypal and click Cancel and return button. This indicate there is some caching/sync problem.

I appreciate any help as I don't know if potential buyer is getting blank screen even before reaching the paypal screen and client is not getting any orders.

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by laurangeng18.

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11 years 9 months ago #108749


Can you try to toggle the option "Use AJAX when possible for add to cart buttons" and/or the option "After a product is added to the cart" of the configuration and try again.
I think that it should help avoid the issue.

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11 years 9 months ago #108759

I think I am setting ajax (see attached of config screen).

I'm also using Hikashop product tag insertion plugin (attached screen short of article containing insert tag). Is there a way to force ajax for this? Where should I set this if I'm using insert plugin.

I also attached cart cache setting (I've been playing around to see if which combination fix the problem, but so far nothing is working)

I attached screen when cart is working (the url shows selective-mutism/the-silence-within-book)

I attached screen whtn cart is not working and showing blank screen (the url shows selective-mutism/component/hikashop/product/updatecart)

Can my paypal setting be causing the problem too (see attached)? I have Verified status set to confirmed (that's one of thing I changed not longer ago). I needed to change the order status after paypal, so someone who ordered downloadable file gets an automatic email.

FYI: I gave the id created last time admin access.

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by laurangeng18.

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11 years 9 months ago #108810

I changed "Use AJAX when possible for add to cart buttons" to yes. I also delete quantity in the product list (main column). I didn't see the field "After a product is added to the cart" you mentioned. Now when I add "add to cart" from the product list (main right column), I don't get blank screen anymore. Unfortunately if I change the quantity in my shopping cart (left column) or delete a product from the shopping cart, it display a blank screen. Is there some other setting I'm missing. I've attached screen shot of my shopping cart setting as well as the new product list page with the changes mentioned above.


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11 years 9 months ago #108947

You apparently have several cart modules configured with different settings. Can you please make sure that you only have one and delete the other cart modules via the joomla modules manager ?

The "After a product is added to the cart" option is available in the cart section of the configuration.

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11 years 9 months ago #108956

I'm confused. In joomla module I only have one hikashop cart (Shopping Cart) which I used to display on left column. I think this refers to the same thing as hikashop-->Display-->Modules-->Shopping Cart. When I rename the title, it changed the name on both setting, so I assume is the same thing.

I played with the setting in Configuration-->Cart "After a product is added to the cart" but so far I get blank screen when I add/delete item on left column Shopping Cart. I want buyer to stay on the same page until they press proceed to checkout. What setting should I set for this?

In my main column, I have product and the "add to cart" button. Is this consider a cart?

In my website's top menu Consultation, I use the same shopping cart (same layout) but display on this page instead. This is different type of product which we want to display separately. Is this a problem?

Right now when I click add to cart, it's working fine. It's when I go to the shopping cart on the left column and try to change quantity or delete, I get a blank screen.

What is the right configuration? Are there more cart (and their cart setting) I'm not aware of. Which cart should I be deleting?

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11 years 8 months ago #109008


I just tried to reproduce the problem on your website, and the cart seems to be working fine, did you solved your problem or am I missing something ?

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11 years 8 months ago #109098

If you go to left column (Shopping Cart) and try changing quantity or deleting an item, you will get blank screen.

FYI The add cart button on the main column (right) works fine now (after I activate AJAX)

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11 years 8 months ago #109271

We are not able to reproduce the problem on our end.

Can you provide a backend access to your website so that we can look at the settings of HikaShop ?

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11 years 8 months ago #109285

I send you message with admin info. Let me know if you didn't get it.

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11 years 8 months ago #109436


We got the backend access and did some tests but that was not enough to find a solution.
Could you provide a FTP access to the website so that we can put traces in the code to find the problem ?

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11 years 8 months ago #109629

Nicolas, sent you info through messsage.

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11 years 8 months ago #109643

I found the problem. The issue is that you have both the URL and available on your website but you force the URL in the live_site variable of the configuration of Joomla.
So when you access the website via you get the issue because some security check bases itself on and since it is different forbids the redirection.
I've added a patch on our end to avoid that such misconfiguration cause a problem in HikaShop.

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