Product Bundle Idea for Wishlist

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13 years 8 months ago #20731

Rough spec. of an idea for your wishlist....

Have a number of products in a shop A B C D E F G H
Want to create bundles of these products.

BUN1 consists of A F G H
BUN2 consists of C D G H

Would be nice to be able to create a bundle called BUN1 and assign the products to it.
For each product could assign either a price or a discount.
The price of the bundle shown to the customer would be the sum of included product prices.
In the checkout would be able to see the products associated with that bundle and the total saving.

Further refinements include (a) allowing bundles to contain other bundles, (b) if a customer purchases items separately they will be automatically converted into a bundle if a suitable one exists, (c) allow customer to remove a bundled item at checkout and the bundle will be unravelled to give the individual items without discount.

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13 years 8 months ago #20748

Why have a price for each products in the bundle and not just one price for the whole bundle ?
I'm thinking that a bundle could be like a normal product and just have a "bundle" listing on the right of the edition screen so that you could add other products to it. The total savings could be calculated automatically based on the prices of the products in the bundle. a would thus be handled by that system automatically. b and c would indeed be great.

We already have that on the todo list....We don't have a priority for it as it could already be handled with normal products with discounts except for b and c.

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13 years 8 months ago #20808

Prices of products in bundle:
Consider 2 products both priced individually at £6.99.
Another product called a Bundle created priced at £12 which consists of both products.

The scenario I have is that the back end systems know nothing about bundles.
All they want to know is how the revenue is allocated between the products.
I.E. is it both products at £6 or one at £5.50 with the other at £6.50?

The solution I have is a mapping table which lists the products in a bundle and the revenue attributed to each bundle. There are issues regarding data maintenance and ensuring integrity (i.e. making sure the prices add up!).

Just an idea to consider how best this might be done in Hikashop one day.

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13 years 8 months ago #20821

I'm not convinced that having to set one price per product in the bundle is a good idea. Them, you have to handle the multiple prices (one per currency, one per quantity in the cart) for each which increase the complexity of the prices handling of the bundles.
Having just one price for the whole bundle greatly simplifies the system and the implementation and doesn't seem so important.
I've actually never seen a bundle which displays how much each product of the bundle is discounted. Usually, you see the whole price of each products of the bundle summed up and the global discount figure resulting in the bundle price.

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13 years 8 months ago #20860

Agreed its a complexity you probably don't want in Hikashop.

To clarify:
The individual product price would not be displayed in the shop.
Its the backend accounting system which needs to know how to allocate revenue between the products in a bundle.
Ideally this allocation should be left to the backend.
In the case I have the backend knows nothing about bundles, so the allocation has to be done by a Joomla extension with the interface routine picking up the results of that allocation regardless of whether it is a single product being purchased or a number of products in a bundle.

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13 years 8 months ago #20873

Why would you need to know how to allocate revenue between the products in a bundle ? Is that because you give back the money to your suppliers or something like that ?

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13 years 8 months ago #20890

Its part of the accounting system, which maybe where the bundle revenue breakdown should really be.
I do know that there are royalty payments involved on some of the products and also some inhouse developed products where they will want to see invested X and got back Y. Hence the need for a breakdown somewhere, and in the case I have it is being done as a Joomla extension so the interface routine just sees product A was purchased for Y if it was in a bundle and Z if it was not. The only price the customer sees (and Hikashop knows about) is the bundle price.

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13 years 8 months ago #20912

Ok, I see.

Thank you for the thorough description of your needs on that features. As I said earlier, it's on the todo list but not with a high priority, at least for now, as we have more important (and requested) features to do before.

In the mean time, if you develop it yourself we could include it in HikaShop... :)

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13 years 8 months ago #20934

Current solution is integrated into a client's bespoke component, so nothing which can be shared.

If asked for again I would consider something along these lines:

    Custom field on product table listing the bundled product IDs in a JSON type structure.
    Custom field on prices table listing those product IDs, quantity in bundle and attributed revenue, again in a JSON type structure.
    Custom field on order product table which is a copy of above at time of order (in case bundle definition changes later)
This could handle a shop selling an alarm system consisting of a central station and sensors.
Each item could be purchased separately.
Bundle 1 could be central station and 5 sensors.
Bundle 2 could be central station and 10 sensors.
Additionally if they purchased 5 bundles, say, then could get 5 extra sensors free (hence quantity in price table).

The attributed revenue field would never be seen by the customer but would be available to the shop in the admin screens for internal book keeping. It could be used, for example, if the bundle included an installation option. The shop's agreement with the installer being that it is a fixed price fee which is passed directly onto the installer and never discounted. The shop's revenue in this case being the price of the bundle less the installation fee.

That's the simple bit, next would be the requirement for an administration screen.
Then there are the rules - for example
    Handling of products not available separately.
    What happens to the bundle when a product is unpublished.
    Maintaining / displaying stock quantities.
    If stock low should bundle or single product take preference (e.g. if less than 20 in stock should the bundle show as out of stock or should it be the single product)?
    Making sure weight of bundle matches sum of weight of products.
    Making sure prices make sense (i.e. bundle would not normally be expected to cost more than sum of products!).
I expect further questions would come to light if someone starts to implement something on these lines.

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13 years 8 months ago #21042

Thank you for the description.

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9 years 4 months ago #217474

Hi, is the feature "bundled product" implemented now? I come from Magento and would need it to make the switch to Hika.

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9 years 4 months ago #217486


We don't really have a solution for Bundles but based on your needs the "options" can potentially do the trick.

Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Xavier.

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9 years 1 month ago #229331

The bundle of products proposed by brainforge is a must and should be given a priority to be developed.

We have tried to circumvent the existing option to define a bundle of products as a single product as you suggest, but it has been difficult mainly due to some products not having VAT (IVA) taxes added and some do, so the calculations of IVA added would not correspond to the list and quantities of products without IVA and products with IVA.

A predefined bundle could be made up of 6 units of product A at a discounted price and without IVA; 4 units of product B at full price and with IVA; 5 units of product C for free where the IVA would be zero; and 2 units of product D at a discounted price with IVA. The total value without IVA and the IVA rate would never match and fiscal authorities would need a report of what was charged and how much one must pay from IVA collected.

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9 years 1 month ago #229359

We've started ground work for a bundle feature since we've redone the add to cart system for the next version of HikaShop.
It might not make it into the next version, but probably the one after that.

Thank you for your feedback.

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