Hi Nicolas,
Yes WP is bigger, I think one reason is that they are so easy to integrate with everything (by plugins).
Joomla is in a lot of ways better, more flexible and way better in ACL
I now am forced to go for Woocommerce because they connect to an accountant software (moneybird).
Automatically if an order is confirmed it sends it to moneybird and they send an invoice.
connecting is a trend, if you do not go in that trend you will loose from all other players so there need to come a hikashop app store if you ask me. Even if they are small integrations,
I love the MyParcel integration for Dutchies. It is not rocket science but a reason I could convince a customer to go for Hikashop.
Zapier should be built by you guys so it works well and Hikashop is way more flexible for all your users.
You connect with one plugin to 1.000+ tools.
I hope you guys take this serious because I think it is a must for the future.