1. There is no more " $row->cart_id " available in HikaShop 3, the code has been clean and now you have to use
if you want to retrieve the cart id.
You can update your view override if you want.
2. The first warning can be avoid by replacing
if(count($cart->shipping_groups) == 1) {
if(empty($cart->shipping_groups) || count($cart->shipping_groups) == 1) {
and it will be a patch I will apply.
It will also fix the second warning but for the third one ; I am wondering why you do not have any shipping_groups in the cart.
It would be useful to know more about the content of your cart and elements regarding the shipping (configuration, methods).
3. The invalid token is related to the fact that the entire form is submit when you click on the button next.
But because you logged using the ajax, the token in the checkout form is not up to date.
I'm working on a patch for that.
The issue that you can't go in the next step is not related to the token ; because when your token is good, you are still redirect to the first step.
When you want to go to the next step, the different block of the current step are called to be sure that their data is valid.
The address block do not have restrictions and the address block only require that the user is logged.
So I don't see the reason why you are not redirected to the second step of your checkout.
I will perform a bunch of test in order to reproduce your issue.
4. The popup when the product is added to the cart is part of the legacy mode.
In the product page, there is still legacy "add to cart" buttons and we are working on the adjustments.
The product listing (menus & modules) have the new buttons compatibility.
5. Knowing that we are still packaging the Alpha package several times each day ; we can see to send manually Business Alpha packages by email but the package will become fast "outdated".
6. Yes, we rewrite blocks for the next checkout but some views are still part of the two systems (after_end, end).
I don't se eany code which indicates that the view "confirm" is used by the new system ; the last page of the checkout will be the payment interface of the view "end".