There is no system to generate that as far as I can see.
Would you have used HikaMarket Multivendor with each artist being a vendor, then yes, it would be easy to generate such statistics.
Using brands, I'm afraid you'll have to generate the stats yourself.
Now, you can do that with just a MySQL query in your PHPMyAdmin.
Something like that:
SELECT c.category_name AS artist, SUM((op.order_product_price+op.order_product_tax)*op.order_product_quantity) AS sales FROM #__hikashop_product AS p
LEFT JOIN #_hikashop_order_product AS op ON p.product_id = op.product_id
LEFT JOIN #__hikashop_order AS o ON op.order_id = o.order_id
LEFT JOIN #__hikashop_category AS c ON p.product_manufacturer_id = c.category_id WHERE o.order_status = 'confirmed' GROUP BY p.product_manufacturer_id
Now this is not tested, and it won't work if you have variants as you need one more JOIN, but that's a basic example of the MySQL you need to do to get the results.