In the back-end menu of the Joomla Components I see the parts of Hikashop.
The first one is Articles and the second one is Categories.
In Dutch it is: "Categorieën"
As the new Dutch translator I was looking for the line in the languagefile where the translation of that word is positioned.
I found the file: nl-NL.com_hikashop.sys.ini
And in the languagefile which is available in the backend in Hikashop configuration, the is a par: 'categories' (line 469 and later), the word 'categorieën' there is saved as 'categorie?n'
If the languagefile is saved as UTF-8 NO BOM, we can use:
Who can tell me how the file 'nl-NL.com_hikashop.sys.ini' is created, cause I can't find these words in the language popup in the backend.
And who can tell me if the languagefiles are saved as UTF-8 NO BOM or not?
If not I will create a new Dutch languagefile with categories translated as categorieën.