This text does not translate at all.
Collect on delivery
You can pay when your package is delivered by using this payment method.
I even went into the
$element->payment_description='Þú greiðir fyrir vöruna þegar hún er sótt á pósthúsið. Athugið skilmálana hér að ofan.';
where I found this text, translated it, but still see no changes (have cleared cache, browser cache etc..)
Store is live so I hope to get help with this sooner than later
ps. just for the information,
of course I translated the main language file
language/is-IS/is-IS.com_hikashop.ini (and even went into the en-EN just for the heck of it and translated the same lines)
;collect on delivery
AMOUNT_COLLECTED_ON_DELIVERY="Verð %s verður innheimt við afhendingu á pósthúsi (%s)"