the URL is now index H like Hikashop
a---and a capture screen to understand better what mean import xml from falang hikashop extension
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<falang type="contentelement">
<name>Hikashop - Banners</name>
<author>Stéphane Bouey</author>
<description>Definition of banners for the hikashop component</description>
<reference type="content">
.....<table name="hikashop_banner">
..........<field type="referenceid" name="banner_id" translate="0">ID</field>
..........<field type="titletext" name="banner_title" length="255" maxlength="255" translate="1">Banner title</field>
..........<field type="text" name="banner_url" length="255" maxlength="255" translate="1">Banner URL</field>
..........<field type="text" name="banner_image_url" length="255" maxlength="255" translate="1">Banner image URL</field>
..........<field type="text" name="banner_comment" length="255" maxlength="255" translate="1">Banner comment</field>
b----capture screen for translate category name here the the step to activate enable the setting
Components -> hikashop -> configuration -> system -> languages -> "actiavte the edition of content in multiple languages " = No/Yes
c---capture screen translation file to update share with hikashop team
about language in hikashop