1. So, i have updated to 2.6.1 and everything seems to work fine. Just need some css adjust.
However there is strange problem with tooltip. ( Example,There is a facebook logo on the bottom right side which has tooltip) Before update with 2.6.0 version tooltip was working on any page except hikashop categories or product page, or any page related to hikashop. Pages like home page, reviews and blog tooltip was working fine. Now after update tootlip is working on any hikashop related pages only. Not sure what could be the problem and how can i resolve it?
Update: Here is screenshot of the joomla registration and mouse over "Name". I found file which is giving me problems in media/com_hikashop/js -> jquery-ui.min.js If I rename it everything is working fine. So looked at it more and removed this line:
{function h(){return i||a.options.disabled!==!0&&!t(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")?("string"==typeof r?a[r]:r).apply(a,arguments):e}
and everything is working fine now with tooltip but price cursor filter is not displayed. I need other solution?
Another thing with hikashop version 2.6.0 where is filter by price with cursor displayed none of tooltips is working. Would it be hikashop, joomla or my template....If hide it all ok.
2. How can tooltip words( Average, total, your votes ) on voting stars be translated?