what i say is that before my friend payed for hikashop hi did not know that hi must bay falang because free version is not usable it inserts links in all content pages like
<div><a title="Faboba : Création de composantJoomla" style="font-size: 8px;; visibility: visible;display:inline;" href="http://www.faboba.com" target="_blank">FaLang translation system by Faboba</a></div>
in you description there is 2 choises falang and joomfish, in reality joomfish is outdated (only for joomla 2.5) but falang only payed version is usable.
I think i will never pay for component like falang who knows what else they insert in code.
So only choise is using joomla multilanguage. So can i make dublicate categories for each language an have multilanguage store only using hika and joomla?