Путь ее Extensions/languages/install languages и там эта дивная кнопка Find languages нажав на которую выскакивает список языковых пакетов кучи языков. Так вот эта кнопка и не открывает этот список. Я обращался к ним с этой просьбой, на что они мне тупо установили языковой архив и решили что устранили проблему. а кнопка так и не работает. Вот и ищу тут помощи может кто знает где и в каком файле нужно ковырнуть чтобы она заработала. Ниже текст моей переписки с саппортом.
Topics: 1Replies: 2Total posts: 3
Hi. please tell me how can I solve my problem? After installation I can’t install Russian language. The Find languages button does not work. And if you can describe how exactly you solved this problem. I just want to know how it is solved
1 day ago
Maudud Hossain
Topics: 0Replies: 702Total posts: 702
Hello Sir,
Thanks for contact with us.
Please see the documentation here:
17 hours, 23 minutes ago
Topics: 1Replies: 2Total posts: 3
I know that. The problem is that find Languages button does not work. Click the Install Language button.I can not Click the find Language button. not a list of languages appears and I can’t select and install the desired language
1 hour, 31 minutes ago
Maudud Hossain
Topics: 0Replies: 702Total posts: 702
Hello Sir,
Sorry for let reply.
I have installed Russian language in your site. Now work with Russian language.
2 seconds ago
Topics: 1Replies: 2Total posts: 3
Thanks for the help, but I didn’t want to just set the language because I knew how to do it. I want you I fixed the find languages button . I want to try to install other languages! And all languages even when the template could not be installed. That if I wanted to make a multilingual site I would have failed. I paid the money and want to get a quality product