attachserial using bank transfert payment

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10 years 4 months ago #170004

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.2
-- HikaSerial version -- : 1.8.3
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5.22
-- PHP version -- : 5.3.9
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : many many

i create pack attach to product and attachserial for the same pack .
I create variant and buy using bank transfert one item using FE . I receive the mail but with no attachment
How to validate the bank transfert to make make the attach serial available to the customer ( already configure for be availbale using download and email ) ?

2) is there third integration extension that let us custom email content ?


tutorial for step without attachserial
post for custom email
post for custom ticket coupon gift

Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by lionel75.

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10 years 4 months ago #170008


1) I don't see the link with HikaSerial.
You know that using the payment plugin "bank transfert" won't set the order status as confirmed ; because the order is not confirmed by the plugin.
For the validation part, please use the HikaShop forum section.

2) Please precise your question.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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10 years 4 months ago #170075

here a step by step answer locate in the capture screen for help other users on the forum .
For test hikaserial attach image ( coupon ticket ) when you test this functionnalities using joomla and hikashop . since you use local server you can't use real bank account and i don't know fake bank account to test for have return message after payment . so you ll have to set manually the return information that the bank server should do to change state payment from created to confirm when payment is effective . So after buyer receive a mail without attachment even if you configure hikaserial attachment ( ticket) , the first mail he ll receive ll not contain the attachment ( ticket) you have to manually notify/send him another mail that ll contain the attachment . after buyer has finieshed the process of buying then you ll have to go to to menu -> component -> hikashop -> orders and the you ll see a table of all orders with the last order on top showing in column "order status" the value "created" .
When you change the order status by select another item and select confirmed ; it is strange but yes a modal windows ll open . Another strange behaviour is that in this modal windos when change chekbox from "no" to "yes" without quit the modal window ; a new html content that can be edit ll be appear beneath . The content is the second mail that the buyer ll receive with attachment this time when you ll press OK button . It is a strange because the size of the modal is limited and use iframe so all the content can not be view at once (use firebug to change width height ) : so you ll have to use scroll bar to know what you do ( edit ) so not very friendly but it work . In the screen capture here i show how it look like ( not hte bottom that contain the text version of your email ) but it is a composite capture screen , you ll never see all this content at once eve nsuing capture screen tool .

i don't compare test status for hikaserial serial_data and status for hikashop orders . perhaps this is cover buy hikashop hikaserial documentation
i hope this ll be usefull and can complete the hikashop tutorial .

the requirement are
--configure smtp in joomla for receive mail
--test email using an joomla extension for example ALF contact
--select for payment bank transfert .
--configure hikaserial for create serial_data
---configure product to have attachement
---buy a product that you know it has attachment and serial_data

"sorry for word error ,i do it in short time "

Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by lionel75.

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10 years 4 months ago #170078

I test acymailing and see they have a nice HTML email editor with easy way to add custom tag ( in a way like attachserial do for create custom raster image : coupon ticket ) in the mail . So i wanted to know if there an easy way to use this easy to use acymailing extension . In a way hikashop bussiness support custom mail but i don't know how it work and if the functionnalities are the same level than acymailing offer in their pay extension ( that i really like because don't use copy paste but only click select ) .

I really like ( more and more ) Hikashop, I ll be happy if documentation has many capture screen since I learn more by image rather than text ( RTFM, before /after ) .


Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by lionel75.

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10 years 4 months ago #170079


I wrote several time in the forum and I guess that I wrote also it in the documentation somewhere (but maybe it has been lost during the website migration) that the way that you change the order status is not compatible with HikaSerial.
If you want to send email with HikaSerial content, you have to edit the order status directly in the order edition page, not in the listing.

Because the mail preview you got is based on an order before is order status update ; so HikaSerial won't add his content because the order status is not yet good.

For the rest of your HikaShop email / Acymailing ; I am afraid that's not the right forum section for such topic.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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10 years 4 months ago #170280

About merge mail notification already support in MS outlook word toward Mysql and work well ).
After search where people ask question about hikashop mail notification i discover there is no specific sectionin hikashop forum to post my request and others question relative to custom mail using hikashop bussiness ? Could you help me ? In a way it is only html css code so why a section for this ? .
I test hikashop demo to see is there an email editor in hikashop bussiness and see only raw css html php code !!! So my question is
---how we can have a preview of the raw code ?
---which fields the email can call ?
---which design tool, ide do you use to create such content ?

I know since use outlook a lot for merge mail that create template for joomla is like create "template" for email . In a way some css designer master "css email" some "RWD webpage " so email has their own rules and constraint and is a new area for CSS designer .

I test copy code from email template from hikashop demo ( order_notification_subject ) and paste it in my local acymailing editor ( pay version) , and the result is really good/ similar ! .Acymailing don't understand hikashop dynamic fields but the layout is here ( position size widht height )
I test the smtp and email notification in hikashop demo website but nothing work , i can't set my personnal mail , smtp don't work and many error occurs during buy a virtual product in the aim of receive mail notification . So demo Front End work but Backend Not ( see attach capture screen ).

here the fields in hikashop hikaserial support by Acymailing . Does fields in hikashop email raw fields support more fields than acy mailing . Which syntax must be use ?

I really really thing that feature hiskashop version ll be great !! The documentation should be update ( for non php developper ) even forum can help a lot for custom mail .


Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by lionel75.

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10 years 4 months ago #170325


You know that you're in the HikaSerial forum section ?
Because, you made a complete message but not for the right person, I work with the HikaShop team but my components are HikaSerial and HikaMarket ; I helped the HikaShop support team sometimes, but I'm not the right person to talk about that and that's even the right forum section for that.

The only thing I can tell you is that the integration between HikaSerial and Acymailing allow you to send serials in a newsletter.
You have to select a pack (better if the pack have a serial generator) and while sending a newsletter, the tag will be replaced by a serial from HikaSerial.
I am currently more than busy with the development of HikaMarket 1.5.0 and the new variant/characteristic edition ; I really want to finish that development and be able to work on other parts like the HikaMarket/HikaSerial documentation. But it requires time ; I'm just a human and like every other, need some rest and fresh air :)


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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10 years 3 months ago #173428

i read again this post and don't understand : "If you want to send email with HikaSerial content, you have to edit the order status directly in the order edition page, not in the listing."

The capture i post is the order edition page or the listing ?
can you give the way to go to each page ?
order edition page => component -> hikashop ->order
listing edition page => ?


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10 years 3 months ago #173437


Okay, I'll explain it once again and I really have to put that explanation visible somewhere.

When you edit the order status in the order listing ; as got a popup where you can see the content of the email.
The email you see is the classical HikaShop notification email which explain that the order status has changed BUT !
When the email is generated, the order status is still the same, you don't have validate the action so the order is still the same ; you got a confirmation popup in order to really change the order status.

It means that when HikaShop generate the email content, the order status is still the "previous" order status.
So HikaSerial don't have do his job yet. The order status is not changed so the serials are not attached to the order, etc etc.
Which means that HikaSerial can't display his content because the order status does not have really the order status that you will set in the future.

That's why, you shouldn't use that.
Just click on the order, just click on it to see the full order and change the order status in that place.
Not in the order listing, not.. Please stop using that if you want to use HIkaSerial and if you want that HIkaSerial works properly.
Please just read carefully the text I wrote and please try to understand the workflow.

If you want to change the order status and send an email.
Click on the order number to see the complete order detail.
Change the order status and check the box "notify the customer".
You can also change the order status and not notify the customer in order to send the email yourself using the "mail" button in the toolbar.

But the real important point is to stop changing the order status in the order listing ; specially if you want to send an email in the same time.

And if you want to know what is the "order listing" and what is the "order edit", nothing better than the documentation !
Order Listing :
Order edition page :

I hope my explanations are clear enough

And if you have questions about HikaShop, please use the HikaShop forum section.
I'm the HIkaSerial/HikaMarket developer, I help the HikaShop support team and the HikaShop development team but this section of this forum is only for HikaSerial.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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