I have a software package that I wrote that is downloadable from a website.
I was using a VirtueMart hack to create an md5 Hash that was turned into a Serial # which could then be entered into the program to licence it.
The output looks something like this:
Joe Smith
I have attached a screenshot of the licensing screen that is in the software package so you get the idea.
The PHP code in VirtueMart is similar to:
$secret = "supersecretvalue";
$demo = "00";
$demo = strtoupper($demo); // make $demo UPPERCASE
$h = md5( $this->orderdetails['details']['BT']->cust_name . $secret ); // generate hash
$h = strtoupper($h); // make hash UPPERCASE
$h = chunk_split($h,4,"-"); // add hyphens after every 4th character
$h = $h . $demo; // add demo to end of the license
A version of this is also inside the software package in order to validate the hash.
Would I be able to do something like this in HikaSerial?
I use HikaShop exclusively now and would like to revamp my own site to use HikaShop.
Thank you.