Hi Jerome, more code
Email template "Serial: Mail to custom field" , it is tiny, but we can include the expiration date (validity_end plugin) with ... 
Preload Version
$d = array(
'DATA' => $serial->serial_data,
'serial' => $serial,
'extra' => $serial->serial_extradata,
'MyValidityEnd' => date('d-M-Y',$serial->serial_extradata['validity_end'])
Html Version
<!-- fin personalizado -->
... frontend / my template / orderserial / show_email_notification_html, can show serial extradata, expiration date (validity_end and format) and a custom value with the code
echo date('d-M-Y',$data->serial_extradata['validity_end'])
... backend / my template / orderserial / show_email_notification_html, can show fine assign date format with the code
echo hikaserial::getDate($data->serial_assign_date,'d-M-Y')
Only, backend and validity_date
... backend / my template / orderserial / show_email_notification_html
it is a war , it don't show date validity_end with backend show_email_notification_html with the code

This code show de same date that serial_assign_date and not validity_date
echo hikaserial::getDate($data->serial_extradata[validity_date],'d-M-Y')
and I do not understand what is happening
Thank you