Please modify the file administrator/com_hikaserial/classes/pack.php [line 71]
Change the "loadObject" into:
$pack->current_quantity = $this->db->loadResult();
About the email, I change the content in order to remove blank spaces
$url = HIKASERIAL_LIVE.'administrator/index.php?option=com_hikaserial&ctrl=pack&task=edit&cid=';
echo JText::sprintf('THE_PACK_STOCK_LEVEL_IS_LOW', $url.$data->pack_id, $data->pack_name, $data->current_quantity);
And I fixed the translation in the en-GB.com_hikaserial.ini file
THE_PACK_STOCK_LEVEL_IS_LOW="<a href='%s'>The pack %s has a stock of only %s serials.</a>"
The HikaSerial package is now up to date, so you can download the new version or update your files manually.
Regards and sorry for the inconvenient,