Please re-download the latest version of HikaSerial and re-install it (it would just update files without touching the configuration).
There was a missing structure for the Serial History.
Otherwise, you can update manually the file classes/order.php by replacing the line 242, 243 and 244 :
$query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.hikaserial::table('history').' (history_serial_id,history_new_status,history_type,history_created,history_ip,history_user_id) '.
' SELECT a.serial_id,'.$this->db->Quote($pack_serial_status).',\'creation\','.(int)time().','.$this->db->Quote(hikaserial::getIP()).','.(int)hikaserial::loadUser().' '.
' FROM '.hikaserial::table('serial').' AS a WHERE a.serial_assign_date = '.(int)$generateTime.' AND serial_order_id = '.(int)$order->order_id;