Possible barcode formats are:
- code39
- int25
- ean13
- upca
- upce
- code128
- ean8
- postnet
But for each format, you have to provide a compatible serial data. Ean13 require 12 digits and another digit for the check, it means that this 13 digit can't be a random digit, it has to follow the specification of the EAN13 format.
Like this very use format, the other have specifications too.
You can't display a EAN13 barcode because the serial you are using is not compatible with this format and his specifications.
Please read the wikipedia page, it explains the basics of this common format.
The best will be to generate serial data compatible with the barcode format you want to use.
And you can understand, I can't choose for you for a lot of reasons. I don't know you workflow, I don't how you want to generate the serial, how you will use it, with what kind of hardware/software, etc.
I am trying to provide you as much information I can but the answers must be provided from you, I won't be able to give you the solution for the problem that I don't know.