There is currently no support of manufacturer data in the "attach serial" plugin.
So it is something which need to be added in the plugin ; I can add it in the HikaSerial TODO list but I am not able to gave you any schedule for the implementation.
We started to work on the improvements for the image inclusion.
Because we had to make a new HikaSerial package for an hot fix, the patch for the image inclusion has been added too.
So now HikaSerial can find for images in three folders:
- HikaShop image folder
- HikaShop secure folder
- HikaShop media folder
We also added in latest patch the support of the Joomla "images" folder ; but that patch is not in the current packages.
To do so, you need to update the "attachserial" plugin and replace
} elseif(JFile::exists(HIKASHOP_MEDIA.'images'.DS.$filename)) {
$file_path = HIKASHOP_MEDIA.'images'.DS.$filename;
} elseif(JFile::exists(HIKASHOP_MEDIA.'images'.DS.$filename)) {
$file_path = HIKASHOP_MEDIA.'images'.DS.$filename;
} elseif(JFile::exists(HIKASHOP_ROOT.'images'.DS.$filename)) {
$file_path = HIKASHOP_ROOT.'images'.DS.$filename;