1 - The filters are added outside the parenthesis yes, but there is no bug there.
2 - I'm not following you.
I realised in the consume URL you can pass the Pack ID or Pack Name as a parameter as well
I am wondering if this parameter is required at all
You saw that there is an optional parameter so you know that this parameter is not required, but optional.
3 - about your last question
is it possible that there are NOT UNIQUE serials?
HikaSerial have options to be sure that generators won't create duplicate data but you can also import and create manually serials in your database. You can also use generators like "series" which can definitively generate the same serials in several packs because it's one of his goal.
By definition, it is possible to have duplicate serials but it's not something that HikaSerial will do itself.
And that is why it is possible to specify the pack id or the pack name during the consumption so you can target a specific pack if you know that the serial can be duplicated depending your configuration and your data.