You're mixing HikaShop coupons and HikaSerial serials.
The HikaSerial Coupon Generator will create HikaShop coupons with HikaSerial Serials.
In the way that HikaShop coupon code will be the same than the HikaSerial Serial unique data.
When you're using an HikaShop coupon, you're not dealing with HikaSerial serials.
When, in your store, some products are sold, HikaSerial create serials for these product (depending the pack associated with them).
Now, if you have the message "You used the serial ..." it means that you're trying to use the serial and not the HikaShop coupon.
Then, I'm wondering what you have configured in HIkaSerial for the consumption part.
But clearly, if you want to only use serials ; you should not use the "coupon generator" to avoid the creation of HikaShop coupons (if you are not using them at the end).
And for the generated serials of your screenshot, it looks like the product you bought is also linked to a HikaSerial pack.