If you want a text search box, it is easily possible.
The idea is to update HikaMarket to modify the filter search when you use a filter on the "product_vendor_id".
You have to edit the file "plugins/hikashop/hikamarket/hikamarket.php" and replace the code:
$ON_c .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikamarket::table('vendor').' AS hikam_vendor ON product_vendor_id = hikam_vendor.vendor_id ';
$filters[] = '(hikam_vendor.vendor_published IS NULL OR hikam_vendor.vendor_published = 1)';
$ON_c .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikamarket::table('vendor').' AS hikam_vendor ON product_vendor_id = hikam_vendor.vendor_id ';
$filters[] = '(hikam_vendor.vendor_published IS NULL OR hikam_vendor.vendor_published = 1)';
foreach($filters as &$filter) {
if(strpos($filter, 'b.product_vendor_id LIKE \'%') !== false) {
$filter = str_replace('b.product_vendor_id LIKE', 'hikam_vendor.vendor_name LIKE', $filter);
And the filters on the "product_vendor_id" will search on the "vendor_name" with text searchs.
We will see to improve the filter integration with new features in the next release ; But the current patch works good and will be integrated in the next package.