In HikaMarket the vendor page is mainly fill by the modules, you can also display the custom fields (with the latest version you can select which custom field will be display in the vendor page, etc) and I want to improve the global features.
We started a "template" mode for the vendor page, but we are missing some feedback in order to know what could be display in this page which could be useful.
So do not hesitate to give us your feedback, HikaMarket is a product for his users, we have a lot of ideas but we can't have all !
The current problem with the links under the product name is that, they are added by a class.
In the product class ( administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/product.php ) you will find the function " processView " which will put some data into an "extraData" object.
So you will find this code:
if($show_sold_by && ($id > 1 || $show_sold_by_me)) {
$vendorLink = '<a href="'.hikamarket::completeLink('vendor&task=show&cid=' . $vendors[$id]->vendor_id . $url_itemid).'">' . $vendors[$id]->vendor_name . '</a>';
$row->extraData->afterProductName[$slot] .= '<span class="hikamarket_vendor">'.JText::sprintf('SOLD_BY_VENDOR', $vendorLink).'</span>';
$singleInLine = false;
You can use " $vendors[$id]->vendor_admin_id " to retrieve the id of the admnistrator but it will be the HikaShop user id.
If you want to access to the Joomla user id, you have to edit the query above
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikamarket::table('vendor').' WHERE vendor_id IN (' . implode(',', $vendorsId).')';
To something like
$query = 'SELECT v.*, u.user_cms_id FROM '.hikamarket::table('vendor').' AS v LEFT JOIN '.hikamarket::table('shop.user').' AS u ON v.vendor_admin_id = u.user_id WHERE vendor_id IN (' . implode(',', $vendorsId).')';
And you will be able to get the id thanks to " $vendors[$id]->user_cms_id "
For the second point, I will recommend you to use the "hikamarket::getLayout" function in order to call the HikaShop product listing view and giving him some arguments. So you will be able to ask for a vendor product listing.
I have to make some research about it in order to give you a more precise answer. But I think it will be the easier solution to have directly a good working result and have the possibility to use the different options and feature of HikaShop.