Hi There this is my first post in the forum. This is a presales question so I dont have any version info available.
We are looking at developing a Joomla multi vendor e-commerce solution, and so far Hikashop is looking good.
Our vendors will need to manage a fast changing and very large product base, so we will need some way of linking their in house software to Hikashop
I see there is a csv upload for the standard Hikashop, but is there a specific csv upload that will allow vendors to upload files to create or update only their own products only? This would allow us to give our vendors a standard API and make the link via csv.
If so, can this be automated? It would be good if there was an option to set a specific import location for each vendor, then we could set up a process where their local systems create csv files, use a program to automatically upload these to their FTP account on our server, and then Hikashop could periodically scan and import the file from each vendor folder
Is there a way to do this in the software right now, or if not is it possible that this could be done as a future development? Looking forward to your reply