I know this is an old topic.
But here the only thing is that the vendor name adress telephone number is on the product_listing_table or product_listing_img.
But what i would like is to have a button next to the filter see screenshot to open the information as adress phonenumber name etc. to be shown in a pop up. So it is directly after pushing the button visible publicly in a pop up screen. How can i accomplish that??
I would like this button which allready opens up in pop up with hika pop helper. To open the name, adress, telephone number of the vendor of this listing. How can i trigger this??
$popupHelper = hikashop_get('helper.popup');
echo ' '.$popupHelper->display(
'<i class="hikabtn" style="background: transparent; border-color: #3182CE;" ><img src="/images//Plusje.png"/></i>',
$link = hikamarket::completeLink('vendor&task=show&cid'.$this->row->vendor_id.'&name='.$this->row->alias . $this->menu_id),
600, 600, 'title="'.JText::_('CHOOSE_OPTIONS').'"', '', 'link'
I now have this but then it states vendor does not exists.
Hope you can help, that would be gratefull!