external link to category listing

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13 years 7 months ago #21858

With hikashop on Joomla! I have set up a shop with 2 categories and many associated products.
1. I show the articles (standard joomla menu associated to hikashop) 6 for page, in 2 row, 3 columns with relative pagination.
In the top of page I have a slider with product's images and link to ...(


I wouldn't a link to product but the link to the page that host it with other 5 products.
It's possible ?
2. I would to customize cart button but only that associated to product, in the first step of selling.
It's possible ?
3. I have those 2 problems with different browsers;

a) IE: see attachment ( ),

b) Opera, Chrome, Firefix and Safari, when I change page (see attachment: ),

c) Safari and Chrome, when I go to product, lose the main image (see attachment:
instead ).

Suggestions ?
Thanks in advance

Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by maxgag51. Reason: Error in upload images

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13 years 7 months ago #21862


I don't understand your two first questions. Please explain more precisely what you want to do.

For your third point, I would have to see the problems directly in order to help you. Could you give the URL of your website ?

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13 years 7 months ago #21875

Well Nicolas,
thanks for quick replay.
The site in question, still in production, is www.inabox.it/gt .
the first question is summarized with this slides:

1. the start whit the choice spring-summer, 2. is the relative page, 3. is the 2^ page of the collection 4. is the product.
In the up ther is a slide with all products.
I would go, when I click in a thumb in the upper slide, in the page 3 (i.e., 2^ of the categorie), not in page 4 (product).
the second question: I would customize, with 'css', only the button that you see in the slide 4, not other 'add to cart'.
Third question: b) solved (my error), c) solved modifying 'frontend_default.css' at class .hikashop_product_main_image_thumb with height: 300px;
Thanks in advance


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13 years 7 months ago #21878


1. When I click the thumbnails on your slideshow, I don't go to 4. I go to 2 or 3 (I don't know). So it seems to do what you want already no ? In anycase, that module is not a hikashop module so I wouldn't be able to help you configure it.

2. Sure you can do that. You need to use a CSS selector, like that:
.hikashop_product_quantity_main .hikashop_product_stock .button{
color: #FFFFFF;

3. I don't have problem a with IE 9. If I witch to IE7 mode, I can see that the payment block is not hidden correctly. That must be a problem between mootools 1.12 and IE7. The easiest is to deactivate the slide effect. For that, you can try to edit the file payment of the view checkout and change the line:
<div id="hikashop_credit_card_<?php echo $method->payment_type.'_'.$method->payment_id;?>" class="hikashop_credit_card">
<div id="hikashop_credit_card2_<?php echo $method->payment_type.'_'.$method->payment_id;?>" class="hikashop_credit_card">

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13 years 7 months ago #21915

thanks for answer number 2; it works (but the correct form is:
.hikashop_product_quantity_main .hikashop_product_stock .hikashop_cart_button {
color: #FFFFFF;

question 3: I disabled all third components, modules, plugin: the malfunction there is still, but a little malfunction is also on Opera and Safari:


first question:
this is the link on first page to page 2 ('http://localhost:81/giordanotorresi/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=listing&Itemid=77&cid=10'), but is still the same for page 3 and 4 ...; the pages are generated directly from hikashop (HikaShop » Product / Listing via HikaShop Options 3 columns 2 rows); if I would go to second or third page; how can I do?


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13 years 7 months ago #21928

3. With some CSS you should be able to display it properly. Like that:
.hikashop_credit_card{ padding-top:7px }

1.I think I understand your question.
You need to add the parameter limitstart_hikashop_category_information_menu_77_10 to your URL.
77 is the itemid of the menu and 10 is the id of the category. So for example you could have these links:

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13 years 7 months ago #22039

:) thanks

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13 years 7 months ago #22040

If I wanted write a custom module for credit card payment (Italian visa circuit) what should i do? It's possible? How?
Thanks in advance

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13 years 7 months ago #22043

c) the solution isn't strong because if images sizes are different the result isn't good. Other suggestions?

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13 years 7 months ago #22065

We have a documentation on creating payment plugins for HikaShop there:
Several developers have already creating such plugins on their own. It's totally possible to do it :)
You should ask your bank about the solutions they offer for ecommerce payments.

c: there is already some code in HikaShop's show view in order to set the height of the image automatically and dynamically. It's in the file show of the view product that you can edit via the menu Display->Views:

$height = $this->config->get('thumbnail_y');
							$style=' style="height:'.($height+5).'px;"';
					} ?>
					<div class="hikashop_product_main_image_thumb" id="hikashop_main_image_thumb_div" <?php echo $style;?> >
If you don't have it, maybe it's because you don't have the latest version of that file ?

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13 years 7 months ago #22092

Thanks for documentation link.
C) I have the code that you reported and how, in fact, everything works fine.
Thank you very match

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