Just a couple of quick questions... I've had a poke around google/these forums/joomla forums and havn't really been able to get definitive answers...
a) I read a topic mentioning that paypal fees will be added soon, but that topic was several months old... I just thought I'd ask about the status of this rather useful feature, and if there is an estimate on when it will be avaliable
b) With the product variants, at the moment there are only drop down options, do any of the Hikashop editions, or any features or whatever give the ability to let the user specify a string as an option... to give a practical example...
On the site I am setting up, we want to sell shirts, and give users an option to specify a name to be printed onto the shirt... is there anything in Hikashop or any hack-n-slash methods I can do to enable this to happen?
c) This also links in with the previous two questions... Is there a way to change the price of the product based on the users selection... eg...
The shirts that my site will be selling, if the user specifies a name to be printed on the shirt, there should be an additional cost applied.
I was thinking I could just have another product (product: shirt [no name], product: shirt [name]) but is there an existing way to do this?
d) Is there a way to archive older orders?
If you want any more information, just let me know and I will try and provide it.