nicolas wrote: You will have to create one filter per product via the menu List->Filter.
The first one will have a filter like that:
hikashop customer has bought "product name" and a date limitation like that:
"{time}-31643326<creation date<{time}-31556926"
hikashop customer has not bought "product name" and a date limitation like that:
"{time}-31556926<creation date"
31556926 is the number of seconds of a subscription.31643326 is the number of seconds of a subscription plus the number of seconds of one day (because the filter is triggered once every day).
with the action:
AcyMailing newsletter send "newsletter name"
and the auto filter :
Every day (cron)
Hi Nicolas,
i have several questions regarding your last post and AcyMailing filters:
1)a day has 24*60*60 seconds, so 86.400 seconds. Therefore, 365 days are 365*86.400 = 31.536.000 seconds and 366 days are 366*86.400 = 31.622.400 seconds.
why did you write "{time}-31643326<creation date<{time}-31556926" and "{time}-31556926<creation date" for filter ? those times in seconds are 365.24 days and 366.24 days.
What is the purpose behind that ? Maybe i misunderstood something...
2) what is the purpose of the send "newsletter name" for the filter if there is no Product list" ?
or maybe you call "newsletter name" the "weldon mail, you bought product XY" ?
what i do not understand here is that if the newsletter is a standard newsletter of the product, you need to update this filter each time a "new" newsletter for this product is available.
so what do you mean by that ?