Hello! I would like to make it so the Terms & Conditions link goes to a custom HTML page not a Joomla article. The reason for this is because the article styling is just all white and its probably easier to style a simple html page that pops up. I have tried putting
(for testing) in the field under Hikashop > Configuration where the article number goes in. Then I tried to remove
from Terms under Views. I can not get it to go to the webpage though. Is this possible?
$text = '<a href="'.JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id='.$terms_article.'&tmpl=component').'" class="modal" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 450, y: 480}}" target="_blank">'.$text.'</a>';
Any help on this would be awesome.