I just can't get this configuration done correctly. I don't know what I'm missing or where, but I just can't seem to get this thing to work out.
I am using akeeba subscriptions and I can't get the subscription to actually ADD it to any subscription. I have followed both the directions on Akeeba for setting them up (almost identical to their scenario) and I've installed the plugin and followed all of those steps. Still, when I register using the paypal sandbox, they are never added to the subscription in akeeba and everyone seems to get access to the "protected" areas regardless of what product they buy (subscription OR regular product).
Then, when I try to test a downloadable product, not related to the subscriptions, with "none" as the subscription level...it is giving them access to the protected pages, like they signed up for a subscription. THEN it is NOT sending them a download link or including the product in any of the members sections in the user control panel.
I AM using the paypal sandbox right now, but I went down your list in the help section and checked all those items that might be a problem. The sandbox account IS receiving payments. It just seems that anything having to do with Hikashop accepting payment and then actually delivering the product, be it a subscription or a downloadable, is just not registering. All the payments are listed as "created" and they just won't "confirm".
Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.