1. There is a message which either says that the message has been sent or that there was an error.
If you don't see it, it's potentially coming from your template:
Maybe it's something else like a javascript error. In that case, we would need to look at the page in order to tell you what to do. Could you give a link to the page ?
2. If you want to have your users upload images, you can create custom fields of the table "item" and of the type "image" via the menu Display->Custom fields with the Business edition.
3. That's because you added the characteristics in two times. You should add them both at once. Please follow these steps and it will work:
1. Delete all the variants of the product on the listing of variants that you can access via the button "manage variants" on the product edition screen.
2. Delete the characteristics of the product.
3. Save the product.
4. Add the characteristics again.
5. The system will regenerate all the variants automatically and you should be able to see the dropdowns properly on the front end.