I see this script on installing Starter pack. Please can someone interprete and help to guide me forward? Thanks!:
Warning: zip_entry_read() [function.zip-entry-read]: The bytes parameter must greater then zero in D:\hshome\serviceplan\icanmemorize.com\libraries\joomla\filesystem\archive\zip.php on line 238
Warning: zip_entry_read() [function.zip-entry-read]: The bytes parameter must greater then zero in D:\hshome\serviceplan\icanmemorize.com\libraries\joomla\filesystem\archive\zip.php on line 238
Warning: zip_entry_read() [function.zip-entry-read]: The bytes parameter must greater then zero in D:\hshome\serviceplan\icanmemorize.com\libraries\joomla\filesystem\archive\zip.php on line 238