You can edit the view "product / listing_div" (if it the type of listing you use).
At the end of the view, there is a block which would display the pagination. You can add a condition in order to not display it for a specific category.
You would find this
<?php if(in_array($pagination,array('bottom','both')) && $this->params->get('show_limit') && $this->pageInfo->elements->total){ $this->pagination->form = '_bottom'; ?>
And you can replace it by
$currentCategory = (int)trim($this->category_selected, '_');
if($currentCategory != 10 && in_array($pagination,array('bottom','both')) && $this->params->get('show_limit') && $this->pageInfo->elements->total){
$this->pagination->form = '_bottom';
Just change the "$currentCategory != 10" by the ID of the target category.