I finaly found the file I had to edit to remove the lightbox of main image and thumbnail, this one :
To prevent loading lightbox from thumbnails, I replaced this line :
$html = '<a title="'.$alt.'" class="hikashop_image_small_link" rel="{handler: \'image\'}" href="'.$this->uploadFolder_url.$path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this,{parse: \'rel\'});return false;" target="_blank" onmouseover="return hikashopChangeImage(\''.$addpopup.'\',\''.$this->uploadFolder_url_thumb.'\',\''.$this->thumbnail_x.'\',\''.$this->thumbnail_y.'\',this,\''.$alt.'\');" '.$optionslink.'>'.$html.'</a>';
by this :
$html = '<div class="hikashop_image_small_link" onmouseover="return hikashopChangeImage(\''.$addpopup.'\',\''.$this->uploadFolder_url_thumb.'\',\''.$this->thumbnail_x.'\',\''.$this->thumbnail_y.'\',this,\''.$alt.'\');">'.$html.'</div>';
and to prevent lightbox loading from the main image I replaced this line :
$html = '<a title="'.$alt.'" rel="{handler: \'image\'}" target="_blank" href="'.$this->uploadFolder_url.$path.'" onclick="SqueezeBox.fromElement(this,{parse: \'rel\'});return false;" '.$optionslink.'>'.$html.'</a>';
by this :
$html = '<div>'.$html.'</div>';
The problem is that I can't make these modifications through the view manager in backend so I guess it will be overidden when I update hikashop... I'll have to keep track of these modifications to redo them in that case.
Or is there a way to properly overide this file?
I'm still looking for the height and width atribute on main images, I'll edit tis message when I manage.