I am so sorry, but user registration simply will not work no matter what.
Would you mind taking a look at the back end to tell what I am doing wrong? I am sure you will see it right away. I tried everything you suggested and am out of trouble-shooting ideas.
1. In Hikashop configuration, allowed registrations.
2. Created a custom user group titled "nonmenbers."
3. Gave "nonmembers" registered view permission.
4. In Joomla user manager options, selected "nonmembers" as registration category.
With these changes, registration still does not work. When I click the confirmation link in the e-mails, I still get various messages including "Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."
I see the new users being created in the Joomla user manager and being properly classified as "nonmembers." "Nonmembers" should be hooked up to Hikashop registration; but it just won't work.
If I sound desperate, it's because I am.
Thanks again,
-Jim Gribble